B210K ... Help?!: I'm thinking of starting this... - Couch to 5K

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B210K ... Help?!

Lazy_moo profile image
25 Replies

I'm thinking of starting this but I'm scared I'm not going to be able to do it. All my demons are back on my shoulder like at the beginning of C25K and I just feel like my body won't be able to handle it.

I'm alsoin the process of getting my 5k into 30mins. I'm currently at about 4.4k. Should I wait and get this done before attempting B210K.

I also have a park run at the end of the month, I've just got too many goals and I don't know which to tackle first and I don't want to burn myself out :/

Is it hard? I want to hear all of your experiences...

Thanks in advance


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Lazy_moo profile image
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25 Replies
thinnerandfitter profile image

Hi LazyMoo,

I completely agree that it's hard to work out what to do next. I don't know exactly when you finished c25K - a lot of people did it in about November. What have you done since then? I've been working on the C25K+ podcasts (Stepping Stones, Stamina and Speed) and those have got me up to 5k but in 34 mins, so not far from what you're doing. I'd definitely recommend those to consolidate what you've done already.

A lot of folks here are also moving up to 10K. I'm undecided. For one thing, the time I run (8 or 8:30am) is OK for me to take 30 min run + shower and then get working (from home) but adding another 30 minutes will be more difficult to justify. It also seems to be a huge leap from 5k - after all I've made huge progress from 1 minute (wk1) up to now and 10 k is the same again.

For the immediate future I'm going to stick with 5k - if I can get it down to 30 mins great, if I manage a parkrun even better. Then once the weather is better (ha) and lighter maybe consider b210k.

Sorry these musings are more about me than you - but I think we may be in a similar place with this. It is tempting to join everyone on B210K (after all none of us want to get left behind) but it has to be the right time and after all, what's the hurry?

I'm sure some others will be along soon to add their views too.

Have a nice Wednesday!

Ann x

Lazy_moo profile image
Lazy_mooGraduate in reply to thinnerandfitter

I finished C25K Christmas Eve and I've just been working on getting that 5k in 30 minutes. I do night shifts so I make time to run between sleeps. I tend to sleep for 4 hours after a night, get up do a run and then come home and get back into bed for another 4 hours before work. Therefore, the length of time isn't too much of an issue.

I run on a treadmill but my gym membership runs out in feb so I think I might wait till then to start the b210k outside. To get to 10k is a New Years resolution so I better get running :).

Good luck with your running, everyone has to find their own way of getting there :)

shelleymcb profile image

before you think about B210K you need to know that the first week is 4x10min runs. so 40mins & the other 5 weeks build on that quickly up to a whole hours running. dont want to put you off but you should be happy running for 35-40 mins before you start the plan.

how about carrying on with your 5k in 30min goal for one run a week. then perhaps a recovery run which is a nice gentle run, say 20-30mins? (that would be a nice run after pushing yourself with the 5k in 30min run) & having a long run at the weekend which would be the first run of each week of B210K? or perhaps even just building on 40mins by adding either 10% in time or mileage to that run?

dont let your demons get the better of you ~ you have come so far already :)

best of luck, shelley x

Lazy_moo profile image
Lazy_mooGraduate in reply to shelleymcb

I have had a look at the layout and it seems ok. I think the main problem for me is getting past the mental barrier of doing more than 30minutes.

I think if I give it a go, what have I got to lose?

Are you doing b210k? How are you finding it?

Thank you :)

shelleymcb profile image
shelleymcbGraduate in reply to Lazy_moo

I did B210K a few months after completng C25K & found the first week really difficult. in fact, I tried 4 times & just could not get that last 10mins done. went on to week 2 & managed the rest of the plan without any problems. it was tough but I got through it. I dont like intervals :)

30 mins can be a big mental barrier. you spend 9 weeks concentrating on 30mins so this is already a huge achievement & your big goal so more seems a bit daunting at first.

if Ive had to have time out because life takes over then I always find getting back to 30mins really hard. I put on lots of feel good music whilst getting ready to go to get me feeling good, then do my 5min walk & have used week 9 of c25k but start running on the warm up walk & then that takes me to 35mins running without really thinking about it ~ I am too busy listening to lauras advice & enjoying reliving C25K & some of that dreadful music!

I am currently up to 11 miles on my long run & training for a half marathon which takes place on 3rd march. & all this from C25K (I hadnt run since school so about 25 years for me).

good luck. you CaN do this :) just think that you have already gone from couch to 30mins so why shouldnt you be able to do more. X

fatmumslim profile image

Hi LazyMoo - I am in exactly the same position as you, but have been using an app from active.com called 5-10K which is suiting me ok. I'm finding the plan a little kinder than some I've seen - 3 runs a week - run 1 is a short run (20mins all the way through the programme), 2nd run incorporates some faster running intervals, and the 3rd run is a longer run with the time increasing by about 5 mins each week. I'm only on week 2 but so far so good! I'm not going to beat myself up about it if it gets too hard further down the line but hopefully I'll be able to stick to it. :)

Susan XX

thinnerandfitter profile image
thinnerandfitterGraduate in reply to fatmumslim

Thanks for that idea Susan - it sounds more manageable than some of the B210k plans. I'll have a look at it over lunch :-)

Ann xx

Lazy_moo profile image
Lazy_mooGraduate in reply to fatmumslim

How long is the plan you are doing? I suppose now we've done c25k we can be a little kinder on ourselves. We have already come so far.

This sounds like a nicer plan.

Thank you for the advice :)

fatmumslim profile image
fatmumslimGraduate in reply to Lazy_moo

Hi LazyMoo - it's a 9 week programme so a bit longer than some I've seen. I prefer the 3 different types of run and am using it more just to increase stamina than get to a specific distance. The speed I run at there's no way I'll be anywhere near 10K at the end!

Susan xx

swanscot profile image

Several of us who graduated C25K in August/September/October did the increase from 5K to 10K using a mixture of 3 runs each week, rather than the B210K plan. One short fast intervals run; one tempo run (that is just below race pace)and one long, slow run. I used the 5K+ speed podcast for the intervals training and the 5K+ Stamina podcast for the tempo run.

This pace guide explains the benefits of training using the different types of runs: goodrunguide.co.uk/Training...

Mark has reposted the information from a previous thread here:


Lazy_moo profile image
Lazy_mooGraduate in reply to swanscot

Thanks, ill have a look into this.

SBG356 profile image

I thinks Shelleys advice is great and spot on. I have started the B210K and have done 1 run so far, the next is tonight but am now thinking of following another plan which is over 9 weeks so a bit more gentle. If that doesnt work out due to having to run twice in the dark evenings I will look at it again. Dont get caught up in all the talk and excitement of starting this if you dont feel ready; you can start at any point.

It doesnt have to follow a set plan of course or a set number of weeks but increasing the time spent running slowly and steadily is the key so that you dont get injured and the 10% rule is important to ensure this.

Whatever you decide, keep running and just enjoying it, that's what is important! :)

Sue x

Lazy_moo profile image
Lazy_mooGraduate in reply to SBG356

The 10% rule is so important, I agree Sue. Yeh I suppose I've been reading all the blogs about it and feel like its the new craze that I must start soon otherwise ill be left behind!

I don't want to start b210k and get disheartened by exhausting myself and not want to run (Laura's words still linger in my memory haha!).

I think I'm going to have to do some research on these plans.

Thank you :), keep running


Burstcouch profile image

I am doing a bit of B210k then free runs then speed runs, it all depends what you want to achieve.

I still revert to week 9 run 3 to mix things up too. I have not stuck too close to the B210K plan yet as I find the one minute walk not enough at times for the interval. Saying that when it has helped me increase my distance like today 9km in 70mins.

I will only do about one long run a week though not do to time commitments, but I am just afraid of pushing myself into injury as I ache a bit more after the longer runs.

keep up the running.

Lazy_moo profile image
Lazy_mooGraduate in reply to Burstcouch

1 minute intervals does seem extremely short and the possibility of injury always stops me from pushing too hard. I'd rather keep running than do one fast run and injure myself so I can't run for months.

Mixing it up sounds like a good idea

Thanks Burstcouch :)

smhall profile image

Hey Moo!!! I think that Sue's advice is perfect! Don't get caught up in the recent fascination with 10K until you are ready for it. When you do decide to make a go of it, find a plan that you feel comfortable with. Maybe it will be a 6 week on, or a 10 week one or maybe no plan at all. This running thing is completely individual!! Do what you enjoy and are fairly comfortable with!! Afterall, you are 5K farther along then you were when you started!! Enjoy your parkrun and then give it some more thought!!

Keep Running!! :-)


Lazy_moo profile image
Lazy_mooGraduate in reply to smhall

Thanks :). I think I've been looking at b210k cos I don't want to lose the fitness I have gained or the motivation. I'm slowly building up to 5k in 30minutes so I suppose that's my goal for now, then the park run and then ill build up to 10k in someway, somehow.


RainbowC profile image

I'm yet another person considering B210K, but not quite feeling ready. I've been working on my speed recently, trying to get to 5k in 30 mins since that was my original target. Sadly, although my speed's improved, my stamina's dropped, so I'm now repeating weeks 6-9 of C25K, trying to maintain my new speed and building the stamina back up.

Once the mornings and evenings are lighter, I might have a more serious look at a 10k programme, but I struggle to do even 30 mins on the treadmill which is my only option twice a week when it's dark out. Roll on the spring, I say...! ;)

So, no helpful advice for you I'm afraid - just admitting that I identify with where you are and the questions about how to progress from here...

Lazy_moo profile image
Lazy_mooGraduate in reply to RainbowC

I'm quickly getting bored of the treadmill but I make sure I do 30minutes no matter how much I don't want to. I want to get that 5k in 30minutes!

But I think you're right, my gym membership runs out at the end of February so I think I'll do b210k (however I do it) after then. I'd like to get outdoors again.

Good luck with the running :)


vengadriver profile image

Hi Lazy_moo,I have one run left of B210K with Samantha Murphy.I have loved this programme and found it so much easier than C25K.I haven't necessarily done all the runs in one week and since the running intervals have become longer I may only fit in one run per week.I would highly recommend this plan without worrying about it.I have just enjoyed running along at my own pace enjoying the scenery.I graduated in June and spent some time trying to do 5km in 30 mins using the C25K+ plans (still not achieved this) then it was suggested on here if I increased my distance the speed would improve too.I therefore started the B210K plan in September and haven't looked back.I am running just over 8km in hour and now plan to do a regular speed run to try to reach that 5k in 30 mins and ultimately 10K in an hour!!

Keep going and don't worry- just have a go :) Good Luck and keep us posted.Gayle (Vengadriver)

Lazy_moo profile image
Lazy_mooGraduate in reply to vengadriver

Wow that's amazing, well done! I can only imagine how good that must feel! This has inspired me, I will definitely get to 10k this year at some point.

Keep going, you might be doing a half marathon next!


Pearsey profile image

Lazy_Moo I can't add much more to what has been posted. Don't let your demons get the better of you, you get the better of them! Sort out from the above what suits you best and stick with it. Then you can move on to greater things later on. As Swanscot says we were all a dither after graduating October/November. I went onto Stepping Stones, and stuck with that until I wrenched my knee avoiding a dog on the first Stamina run (still out), but others were braver than I and went onto higher stuff.

That's where having the blog is so great. I've had a lot of help from a lot of people-lately James and Matthew over my knee injury management and how to return to running safely.

Read them all again-and go with whatever you feel is right.

Keep on Running :-)

Colette x

Lazy_moo profile image
Lazy_mooGraduate in reply to Pearsey

Aww I'm sorry to hear about your injury! Are you back running now?

Those evil demons! You'd think they would have gone now after proving them wrong in 9 weeks. You are definitely right, I need to figure out what works well for me. We all have different lives and commitments, which makes certain plans harder to do than others.

Thanks for the advice :)


Pearsey profile image

Yes, Lazy_Moo-still out of action :-(.


NeverthoughtIwouldrun profile image

Hi the active plan sounds perfect to me, can you really build up to 10k only doing one longer run a week?

Also I don't seem to be able to find the plan anywhere, could you post a link to it? The only plans I could find on the website didn't look right and I couldn't find anything on iTunes....

Thanks :)

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