I got up the usual time (6am) and in my eagerness to get out there I didn't have a breakfast.
I didn't want to go running in the nearby field or the greenway because it was dark, so I went running around a couple of streets near the town centre. It was brighter and busy so it relaxed me - no safety dangers here. Half-way through, I was panting Didn't realise it would be as hard as it was bit I use the 'Get Running' app which was a great help. The woman's little encouragements were what kept me going.
I'm making it sound as if I just ran a big marathon aren't I??? Haha.
Towards the end I felt dizzy and really sick and this was due to my not having breakfast. Never again!! I had a half boiled egg and cereal and some tea as soon as I got back home and I was right as rain.
I think I was more motivated yesterday, which is not to say I feel like giving up because I really don't! I am going to get this done!
One more thing, if any lovely person is reading - I mentioned in my last post that I'm getting married soon. I think it would be fab if I completed the course before then. Is it possible to do it within 6 weeks rather than 9 - if I miss just one day a week?? Is that a healthy way??
Thankyou for reading