Phew! Went a different way today to accommodate the further 2mins running. Its really weird how running in the evening feels different to the morning - I definitely have more energy in the morning, with nothing in my belly but a cup of coffee. I love the prize of breakfast when I get home. Well only two more runs till the big graduation, still can't believe I have come so far!!
Run 1 Week 9: Phew! Went a different way today... - Couch to 5K
Run 1 Week 9

Well done Lotti, I was just wondering how you were getting on You are soooo close now, enjoy your graduation run in !

Well done Lotti, you are doing a great job. Not long to go now. It's exciting int it!
Thanks Poppypug and Misswobble - whats it like being a graduate now - keeping up the running
Yeah its fab ! Im doing 30 mins 3 times a week for now, got my R4L on the 29th June, after that - the worlds my lobster ! xxx

Well done Lotti, almost there now. That shiny badge is almost yours

graduated Sunday and still grinning, and so will you !
I think cake is a wonderful idea!

Well done. Two more and you're there Good luck.

Wow,, 2 more runs and then graduation, you can see it coming after weeks of hard work. Its worth every effort you have put. One tip!!! Just remember week 9 all the runs are the same so actually you already have done the 30 minutes run, what is left now is just a repetition of the runs.