Have reached week 7 and today managed to do 25 minutes non stop! So really elated. Taking it very slowly and often repeating runs as I am in my 70s, and 7 years ago fractured my hip. I have pins and made a good recovery and never really looked back. But now having a rest after the 25 mins I am feeling a groin ache on the side of my fractured hip. Is there anyone else out there who has run with pins? is this related or entirely different? Nothing mega but a dull ache... I really want to do this, loving the feeling of running, and finding the psychological lift fantastic. Please don't say I have to stop!!!!
running after neck of femur fracture - Couch to 5K
running after neck of femur fracture

🍏Absolutely well done for getting through the 25 min run! Rest now and see how you go over the weekend. You may need to chat to your GP or physio if the ache becomes pain.. Do not run with pain..the runs will wait.. take extra rest and the make a decision based on what your body is telling you. Even someone else with the same sort of story is not you.. You have come so far, don’t rush things now!

No idea. Check with your doctor if it persists, perhaps?
On the other hand about 9 months into running I got an odd "pulled" feeling on the inside of my groin area. I did the sensible thing and got a physio appointment. It turns out my hamstring and gluteus muscles were tight and I wasn't using them, so one of the minor muscles (an adductor) was overcompensating, and that's what I was feeling.
Yea thanks...I have a lot of faith in physios, they got me back on my feet after the initial fracture! I know you're right really just avoiding reality!!
Hi ,well done on the 25mi s run👏,I wouldn't worry to much, i have a full knee replacement and have made it to week 6-2,...I find it ache's a little after a run, i always take extra days rest inbetween runs , ok Sofar...🤞
Thanks! 24 hours and several ibuprofen later its starting to feel much better... just a panic I think!