After the shock of running 20 minutes last time I feel a complete failure not to have enjoyed W6 Run 1. It felt difficult, I felt heavy and my breathing was so terrible. I really could not get into any kind of stride or pattern of running or breathing. What didn't help was a beautiful red setter running around the park without a lead. He obviously thought he was there to have fun with me and kept tripping me up and jumping up at me (owners take note). He was extremely bouncy and wet and in the end I had to stop running on the third part and walk - his owners didn't call him back and seemed to think I had to love him as much as they did. I'm now worried I won't make it to the end of the programme - I can't visualise my running for 30 mins without stopping. I can see from the forums that this week seems to have the same theme - do you think its because we stop and start the running. Will I get there ?
W6 R1 Feel like a failure too: After the shock... - Couch to 5K
W6 R1 Feel like a failure too

W6R1 is not the easiest run Twiggy after the high of running for 20 mins and it wasnt made any easier by your experience - oh dear, poor you! Just put it behind you though and move on and believe it or not you will be running soon for 25 then 28 then 30 mins!
It is hard to think we would ever be able to do that - we ALL say that here but look at all the graduates, all different ages and abilities, different sizes and health problems but all achieving what we thought was the impossible. It really can be done so dont doubt yourself, follow the programme and you will be amazed when you graduate too! You will get there!!

You will definitely do it. It's a mental challenge as well as a physical one so today your focus was trying to stop yourself from breaking your neck tripping over a playful pooch!! Have faith in Laura, she knows her stuff I didn't think it would be possible but it is.
Good luck & let us know how you're getting on.

Ah thanks for your comments - it helps and makes me smile. ! Yes, feeling a bit tired today too so maybe a new attitude on Thursday when I next run. I will let you know how it goes. Thanks.

Don't worry, Twiggy. I wonder if some of us find this run difficult because the 20 minute run is a big challenge, and then many of us only take one day off before running again. My 6/1 run was awful - my legs were heavy, I couldn't breathe properly and generally I felt almost too tired to move. But - 6/2 was fine. Don't beat yourself up about it - the next one will be good

Hi Anniemurph - thanks for this. Its really encouraging and I will stick at it. Looking forward to my Run 2 now to see how it will go.
I also found R1 difficult too, and R2 was no better - prob as I was really too tired and had had a bad day at work. Am planning to re-do R2 tomorrow and see how I get on.....

I agree, sometimes I am so dog tired and it is a huge effort to get going. I guess we have good and bad days. I will update with R2 after I have done it tomorrow !

I really didnt get on with w6 for exactly the same reasons as you've said. Don't let it put you off, keep focused and determined and stick with the programme. Week 7 isn't so bad ! I'm on w7 and have decided to do one more run before going on to w8. If I can do it, you can too. Keep on running!!