I can't quite believe that I have actually done it. It was a hard run again but better all round with every PB I could make just about. 5k down in 27 mins 33 secs, total run 5.46k in 30 mins. Strange thing is I wasn't sure I got this right at all. I chased the first km in 5 min 10 secs and really felt it. I should have guessed I was way ahead by the obvious landmarks. It did slow me down a bit after but I kept plodding away at it and the lap times were actually pretty good.
The sense of achievement is immense I have to say. But what now? I have been talking to my friend who put me on to c25k (she didn't realise at the time!) who is using Stepping stones, so I have been considering getting started on that this Tuesday. I've downloaded the podcast and also the ones for Speed and Stamina but that one seems to come first. Alternatively, I will run W9 again for a week or so to push myself just a bit more towards feeling 100% with the time. Just need to get the badge and the t-shirt and I'm fully certified!!
Well done to all of you, especially those who have been running about the same time as me and supporting me through the blogs. I do feel it would have been so much harder without all of you. Cheers and keep running!!