W7 R3 - Triumph snatched from the jaws of defeat! - Couch to 5K

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W7 R3 - Triumph snatched from the jaws of defeat!

Fraz73 profile image
14 Replies

Well what a day I've had! Got up very early and set out for my final run of week 7 in the dark and dingy weather feeling more positive than I have and with my own playlist ready to go. Things immediately started to go wrong when the playlist kept skipping from song to song during my walk which distracted me but I got it sorted. I started out the run and immediately everything felt really different and not in a good way. I selected the songs late last night and for some stupid unknown reason, chose stuff that is entirely unsuitable for running! My pace was al over the place and although I made it to 13 minutes I could feel a familiar pain developing under my ribs. My usual route involves a bit of a nasty hill just after the halfway point and I started up it and just gave up. Simple as that, just gave up and in my mind I said to myself 'I can't be arsed'.

WHAT???? After all the hard graft I'd put in to get this far, suddenly now I can't be arsed? So I trudged home with the familiar stomach cramps but no retching although if I had carried on no doubt that would have followed. I gave myself a pretty stern talking to on that walk and resolved not only to try again this evening but not to let it ruin my day.

Luckily I taught some really good classes today with not too many admin hassles. (The C25K teachers out there will relate to just how destructive admin hassles can be ;)) Came home after a meeting, changed and sat down to plan a totally different route. I didn't fancy the park and old railway line I usually use due to the time of day and too many chances for verbal abuse from youths that have nothing better to do with their time. So I decided to pound the local pavements instead and mapped out a loop that measured just a fraction under 1k.

So off I went, back to trusty old Laura - why did I ever doubt her? - and I felt different again but in a good way. One lap turned into two, then three and then four. I was half way through the fifth lap when Laura calls time already. Huh? Where did that 25 minutes just go? But I wasn't finished on the final lap so I dug in and managed to complete it. FIVE laps done, then I checked my stats. 4.8k in 28 mins 10 secs!!!!! I cannot believe the difference this evening has made. Finally I have the breakthrough I was looking for. I always felt I could run 5k under 30 minutes and now I know that I can and I'm hoping it might even come by the end of week 8.

This has been a tough couple of running weeks for me, but I've ridden it through and perhaps this mornings nadir was exactly what I needed to pick myself up and try something new! I'll definitely be sticking to this route for a while now - especially on work days. Plus that was my very first evening run ever!! I'll be doing more of those too!!!

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Fraz73 profile image
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14 Replies
rolphie2 profile image

wow well done, you will definately be running a sub 30 mins 5K, I'm along way off that but will keep going until am as fast as you!!

Fraz73 profile image

And well done you on getting through week 6! I found that and week 7 (until today) really tough going. It's such a mental thing at this stage. You've done the intervals and it's all about believing Laura when she says you're ready and you need to just get as many miles into your legs as you can to build stamina. Keep getting out there and you'll get there! :)

Chewy profile image

Very good second run Fraz an excellent time well done.

Fraz73 profile image
Fraz73Graduate in reply to Chewy

Thanks Chewy. I was starting to think that 25 minutes was my limit and I'd never get through this so I'm pleased. Good luck with week 7 :)

gdeann profile image

So very well done Fraz!!! I wondered how the run went and if you were able to avoid the upset stomach. Maybe evening runs suit you better? Amazing time and distance! I am in no way close to a 5K. I am so very happy for you!!!!! :-)

Fraz73 profile image

Thank you Gayle, I'm really thrilled. I think definitely evening runs are the way to go for me. I can save morning runs for the weekend when I don't have to get up quite so early! I just can't quite believe I made such a turnaround in a day! I was gasping for air at the end but it's worth it for the feeling I've gained from it. Today I feel like a real runner. I didn't get that feeling at all from W6R3 when Laura tells you that. And well done again for the first of your grad runs. Look after yourself and stay in one piece until graduation!

janda profile image

Fantastic stuff Fraz. You certainly have the grit to do it, and I know what you mean about the teaching/ running business (being in the same line of work myself). And way to go with the speed too. You look like you have it cracked: just keep going and you will definitely be a sub-30 minute 5k runner!

Fraz73 profile image
Fraz73Graduate in reply to janda

Thanks janda. I'll admit that your blogs have spurred me on regarding my speed. I just needed that breakthrough run to prove to myself that I can do it!

vixiej profile image

well done! I'm way off that sort of time/distance, but will keep going until I can do it! Good timing for me to read this, it has lifted my mood and inspired me to just make the next run better after a couple of not so great runs. Thank you :-)

Fraz73 profile image
Fraz73Graduate in reply to vixiej

Saw your blog earlier and commented so happy if mine helped in some small way.

smhall profile image

Fantastic, Fraz!! It is amazing what your body can do when you tell it to!! You are a perfect example of what can happen if you don't give up and quit!! Everyone that experiences a difficult week or two needs to read this posting!! "I gave myself a pretty stern talking to on that walk and resolved not only to try again this evening but not to let it ruin my day. Now, that's a lesson that we all could do a bit more often!! I was proud of you when I read this!! Keep Running!!

Fraz73 profile image
Fraz73Graduate in reply to smhall

Aww thanks smhall. I really had to dig deep yesterday to get back out there, but it's good to know I have those reserves and we all need those qualities to achieve what we've set out to do here. It's not an easy programme and I'm so happy to have found this community. There's just no way I could have achieved what I have so far without the help, advice and support of all you C25Kers!! Really rooting for you and Gayle this week. Can't wait to read your graduation blogs!

mcc65 profile image

It was so good to read your post 'cos I have just failed to finish W7R2 - made it to 22 mins and no matter how good a talking to I gave myself I just couldn't muster the determination to finish so gave up.

I put some reasons of why I think I struggled tonight and I'm trying not to feel like a failure - hell 6 weeks ago I couldn't run for 60 seconds so why beat myself up because I could ONLY manage 22 minutes!!

Hopefully after a day of taking it easy tomorrow I'll be back to normal on Thursday :o)

Good luck with the rest of the programme.

Fraz73 profile image
Fraz73Graduate in reply to mcc65

That's absolutely the right attitude. I've failed on two runs so far in the programme and both times I just re-evaluated, made adjustments and got it done. And so will you :)

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