Today my run was GREAT!!! The crispy after-rain air and nice warming up sun.
I intentionally went out without my dog. I needed some alone time. I had everything new - ok, this is a big exaggeration. I changed my earrings from dangling pearls to my beloved Cheshire cats. I changed my music to Spotify - thank you Hidden and Mummycav for your amazing playlist:
It gave me good pace, variety, and good mood. I loved 'Shake it off' that was my final song during a little longer than 1 minute finish Singing, dancing, and proper running speed finish <3
I had new route that covered about 4.4k - my GPS lost signal O_O no idea if it's because new route or new mobile phone
And my C25K app by ZenLabs played a trick on me - it was 30 minutes run, instead of 28 minutes O_O So today I ran for 30 minutes - yeap whole half an hour - non stop, no breaks, no pauses, constant steady pace <3
I am so happy with myself, with this run, with my progress. I kicked my bad mood ass, finishing with huge smile and feeling accomplishments. I know it was end of week 8, not week 9, but I felt like it was my graduation run - everything was right - the time, the distance, the pace, the mood, the finish
Now 3 more runs of week 9, which according to my app is not 30 min, but 5k I will see how it will go. The plan is:
W9R1 - Monday (29/10) 4.30pm after work with my dog
W9R2 - Wednesday (31/10) 4.30pm after work with my dog
W9R3 aka Graduation Run - Friday (2/11) 5pm OR Saturday (3/11) ~10am without my dog
Happy running!!!