Today I worked out a route on gb mapometer which would come to 3.18 miles. It was quite convenient with knowing where to start and stop and just a little bit over 5k to account for the different measurements between mapometer and endomondo. Set off down the lanes, saying hello to the cows and sheep and shetland ponies, was feeling good with the run today. (Note: I did not have wine last night and also had two of those Belvita breakfast biscuits about an hour before I set off. Maybe this is better than an empty stomach) Oh and I was really grateful to a lovely lady in a car who pulled right up on the bank and in the mud, so I could run past without going through a giant puddle. She wasn't even in a 4X4, so I was really really thankful. Anyway I came to what I think should be the end of my run, take a quick glance at endomondo and oh no, I'd only done 2.41 miles. So I kept on going to the end of the next road, where I had to stop to cross a quite busy road. 2.78 miles in 34 minutes. Average pace 12.13 min/mile which is a lot worse than my hilly route. Anyway it wasn't until I got home and looked at the endomondo map that I noticed it had me starting a lot later on the route than I did. Anyway I mapped what I actually ran (with the extra bit) on mapometer and it's now saying 3.3 miles. I mean what is going on? Endomondo is like a particularly nasty coach telling you you're not doing very well - just to make you go faster! What if I'd injured myself from going that step too far? If i told Laura, she'd be very cross with endomondo for that dirty trick! Anyway I suppose it doesn't matter how far I've gone. I ran for 34 minutes! Yay! 3 more runs till graduation and a lovely lovely t-shirt. A week to decide on a colour!
W8R3 - Endomondo; what a dirty trick to play! ... - Couch to 5K
W8R3 - Endomondo; what a dirty trick to play! I'm telling Laura!

Congrats on your 34 minute run! Technology can be such a help but can make things so complicated at the same time! Almost there!
Well done on 34 minutes a very good run. I think I have to defend endomondo though, it has no idea where you are the phones sat nav tells it so maybe the satellites were playing up this morning.

Well done Pelephant thats a brilliant run! Had a similar experience yesterday but that was down to my own stupidity in not setting my watch properly but it just shows we can do it when we push ourselves and how good does that feel?!
Good luck for W9 - nearly there!

You can give yourself a big pat on the back for this one - another 3 runs, you can even do a bit less than today if you want to, and you'll have made it!
Good luck for the last week!

My mapyourrun let me down this morning. Got to 21 minutes telling me I'd run 2 miles, then disappeared. No stats, no 3 miles, nothing. Good job at 21 mins I'd thought, four more songs and I'll be done.

Great run, Pelephant!! Welcome to Week 9!! Hmmmmm, you have already experienced a 34 minute run, so the Week 9-30 minute runs will be a piece of cake for you!! You are almost there!!