Have a new phone so downloaded Endomondo and set out to the canal with the three hounds. Started Endomondo and ran week 5 Run 2. Recorded time but map said I was on the motorway and that I had run on the spot. Probably missing out something very basic! Any help gratefully received!
Endomondo says I ran the motorway ... - Couch to 5K
Endomondo says I ran the motorway ...

Mines never done that how odd! Does your phone definitely have GPS?
Had not enabled the GPS - just tried it and worked like a dream! Thanks for the help.
endomondo has cheated me out of a lot of miles - my graduation run according to endomondo last night was 1.5 miles short of the real distance. I have previously mapped the run out by car and endomondo's distance was way out. Lots of cloud cover etc so I thought it must be that the satellite was invisible from time to time but on the map it has mapped my route out perfectly. So I had a another look at some of my earlier endomondo-tracked distances and they are out too. So I am a bit miffed.... Runkeeper firmly tells me it cannot find the satellite.

Frustrating!!! Difficult to know if GPS programmes in general or Endomondo. People rave about the Garmin on this site but I wanted to try a GPS programme before shelling out lots of ££s!

Congratulation, I hope you didn't break the speed limit

Gadets! Huh!
My sportstracker app says I ran straight across a reservoir
I know I go into a zone but I think I might have noticed.

Running on water now that must take a lot of intersplash training!!

I've read that having your wi-fi and GPS on at the same time can weaken the gps signal so I always turn that off when I head out for a run now.
Today I had trouble with Runkeeper picking up a gps signal, then realised I was in the shade of a tree, stepped 2 feet to the left and it was fine!
I started out with endomondo but ditched it for runkeeper as endomondo was cutting quite a bit off my distances!
This thread has had me in giggles - imagine running over a reservour!!!
Thanks for the tip re wi-fi, will disable that for next time. What I find is curious is that one app tells me it can't find a satellite and the other tells me it has excellent signal!
How long does Runkeeper take to get a satelite signal?

When my brother-in-law cycled from Lands End to John O'Groats, Endomondo recorded him as rowing for about 30 miles! We were impressed especially as it was along an A-road!

Oh Endomondo what a pain it is! When it works it's wonderful but a lot of the time I just draw my route afterwards since it either doesn't pick up the GPS at all or goes all wonky and has me running in the sea or jumping over to Denmark for a flying visit.

This is too funny!