I posted on here a couple of days ago after the best run of my life. I had really felt like I was flying. I was on top of the world.
Well today I went out for another run, and my word, what a difference. The sun was still shining, but this time it was too bright and kept getting in my eyes. I had forgot to charge my phone so with my battery on about 10% I expected Michael to leave me at some point during the run. No problem though, just run out to the same point and come back same as R2.
I wasn't going to push myself for the same result. Can't expect a pb every time, besides my right shin was sore and my left knee complaining just as loudly. Normally I don't run on Thursdays but had brought the run forward so I can run again on Sat rather than Sunday as I will be going on holiday that day and wont have time.
Well I finished - not at my gate this time by on the corner of my close (about 20 secs slower). Not the end of the world but the end was more a sense of relief, rather than elation.
However, I am glad I did it. Every run counts right? For those on the early week finding a run tough, you will get good runs and bad runs. If its not great today, don't worry, you still ran - and tomorrow will be different!