and must confess to now feeling rather silly at the serious amount of stress I have put on myself all week fearing failure. I forced myself to believe it was more mental than physical and so ordered some running tights, compression shorts and a proper non cotton top from Sports Direct online (check out their bargains, way cheaper than even instore) to make me look like a proper runner. There was no way I was going to let myself quit once I'd had the courage to enter the park in a pair of lycra tights and so I went for it. The first ten minutes flew by and I was shocked when I realised I was half way and then knew there was no way I was going to be beaten. At 15 minutes there was elation as I knew I was going to do it and I loved the last five minutes, imagining a big winners ribbon across my path as I got closer. As someone who has not run for 30+ years and is carrying far too much weight (but thats rapidly falling off too) I would never have thought I would find this challenge so much fun. If you are about to tackle it too HAVE BELIEF in yourself, it's possible and you will feel amazing when you are done. Looking forward to the next big one - bring it on, I can take anything now.
Week 5 run 3 - I DID IT, I DID IT: and must... - Couch to 5K
Week 5 run 3 - I DID IT, I DID IT

Well done chusan51 its a brilliant feeling to be running for so long isnt it?! Who would have thought it way back at W1?? Completed mine this morning too so we are well on our way to achieving this now and getting our green badge!
Good luck for W6!

Well done Chusan51 and SBG356. W5R3 is the best feeling isn't it?
Well done W5R3 really is a milestone isn't it. I completed mine on Wednesday and I successfully completed W6R1 yesterday, I can't honestly say I'm enjoying the runs yet, but I am managing to complete them and the post run euphoria is pretty good, not to mention the pounds reducing gradually as well.
Good luck with week 6.
Well done Chusan, you've done very well indeed and reached a real milestone.

Fear of the unknown gets us every time! You did it! Welcome to week 6!!!