Hi How do I input my run to update my challenge details for today on Endomondo? Thanks
How do I update my details on the Endomondo ch... - Couch to 5K
How do I update my details on the Endomondo challenge

You need to log in to endomondo - then click on "new workout" - top right hand side of the menu bar beside your log in name. You will then have several options to add your run. Your run will automatically register with the challenge and update your details there.
Susan XX
Hi Thanks, I input the details for new workout and saved it but it hasn't put it against my name on the challenge. I must be doing something wrong
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How did you enter your run? If it was manually is your sport set to running? Does the run show in your diary?
Sorry about all the questions
Same problem here.
Yes, I entered it manually, (don't have a fancy device). Yes, sport set to running for my run this morning, to walk for my walk this evening, neither are showing up on the challenge. Yes, they both show up in my diary.
What am I doing wrong? Probably something basic.
I'm afraid I don't know that answer to this. I think manually entered workouts are not showing on the challenge - which must be a problem at endomondo's end.
Best wishes for the rest of the festive season.
Susan XX

I've been trying to put mu Christmas Eve run onto the challenge both manually and using my Garmin - neither work. Just count it as read that number 23 did 10kms please!! Merry Boxing Day!