Have been in touch with parkrun as regards having NHS C25K put on their drop down list of running clubs. This would mean we could select this as our running club and it would show up on the results page as our running club. What do you think?
Putting NHS c25K on Parkrun running clubs list? - Couch to 5K
Putting NHS c25K on Parkrun running clubs list?

I think that’s an excellent idea. I support it!
Wel I think it's a great idea too.

Good idea.
Always seemed slightly strange that ParkRun weren't more aware of C25K especially as the survey they are running on their site is co-sponsored by the NHS!
They are after all the C25K right of passage as you approach graduation

Excellent idea!!!
We would definitely need our tee shirts too....anyone got ideas as to where JR21 has disappeared to?

Love this idea.
When injury healed am definitely doing parkrun.
Where's our tee-shirts?!!!!
Super idea. Am trying to get guts to go an do a parkrun - it seems one thing to toddle along the canal by myself (well, with Laura) but another to join proper runners. Being about to select C25K as my running club would give me the credibility I need to make me do it (and I'd have to do well as I wouldn't want to let the programme down!)

That is a wonderful suggestion!

Yeah, sounds great - not that I'm anywhere near ready for a park run, especially not all the hills they seem to have been determined to squeeze in the Preston one!!!

NHS Couch to 5Km now on Parkrun list. They, for some reason, have added the the m to the 5k to make it 5km - but its there.

Well done, I always thought of C25K as a feeder program to ParkRun and it really is now, nice one
I have just come across this post. What I good idea.
I have just edited my Park Run profile to add it.

Good idea 🙂