Has anyone else done this - ran/jogged so much better when people are nearby? Especially when those people are other joggers?
I felt my posture improve, my breathing was better and the stich I had magically vanished. How very strange....must have been my breathing? Too shallow?
This run was good I was still breathless, still achey but much less than Monday. Woo! Improving already!
What did P me off though was I forgot my sports bra so I had to put a crop top over my normal one. It helped a tad but doesn't come close to the support I'm used to!
Also, we couldn't run on our usual patch as there were blokes playing football. Yes, there was space for us to run but we didn't want to chance getting hit. With the luck we have, it's a certainty! So we ran in another part of the park which was nice but quite hilly (only smalls hills mind) and boy, did that make my legs ache!!
However, sports bra-less and hills galore, I managed to keep running so I'm really happy. It's only 1 minute but hey it's something right?
Soon, it'll be 30
Things I've learnt:-
People affect the way you run. Starting from tomorrow, keep thinking Ryan Gosling is watching me
Ipods in your pocket are annoying - I need an armband
Breathe slow and from your stomach, not the chest
NEVER forget your sports bra!