OMG I have done it! I can remember week 1 thinking I was going to expire but have just completed my wk9 run 3- what a great feeling for a 64 year old woman still with remnants of Long Covid! BUT- I did it on a treadmill so I guess the hard part is to now take it outside! I have been reading the hints to do this so hopefully it won’t be too difficult- I run very slowly as well so nowhere near 5k but hope to build that up! So thank you Reece for guiding me through it- I found him very motivational
Graduated: OMG I have done it! I can remember... - Couch to 5K

Well done! That’s great! 👏 I graduated today too. You will love running outside and I thinking going slow is good. I always use to push myself to go fast and then had a realisation I don’t need to do that, It made the runs much more enjoyable and I think has helped me to build strength and not injure myself. Have a great day Graduate! 🏃♀️👏👍

Well done you on graduating - so do go claim your shiny new badge from the pinned post

Congratulations 👏 🎉 🥳 and celebrations! Well done! Xx

Congratulations 🎊 Really well done. I did the full 9 weeks on my treadmill and then started going out. It felt really strange at first and I thought everyone was looking at me. I'm not fast at all - just over 45 mins for 5k but I don't care as long as I'm doing it! Have loads of musculoskeletal problems so just proud to be able to do it. Take care and enjoy every minute. 🏃♀️ The running world is your oyster now!!!
thank you for the words of encouragement- I think my problem too is that I don’t want people to see me! It’s not a pretty sight!

How many folk here know that feeling so well... some ran near hospitals or GP surgeries, just in case they collapsed!
The 5K is not a necessity and you ran the 30 minutes... HUGE well done to you...
Transition to outdoors is best taken gently... indoors. you have a lot of control... outdoors... the only control is your body, your legs, you and the run... otherwise the weather, the terrain and the time of day can all impact..
Maybe some useful tips here?
Just take it slow and steady and simply enjoy!

Congratulations and well done you! That’s awesome! 👏👏👏

Congratulations to you. Doesn’t it feel sensational. I’m in the minority of people that find treadmill running harder so I am very impressed with your achievement. Once you give it a go I’m sure you just love outdoor running. Keep up the very good work!👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

Well done. I did my week 9 Run 3 last night also

WOW very well done , What a great feeling 👏👏🥳 x 🐈
This is fantastic! Really well done! I'm on the same journey, two runs behind you - from 3 years lost to LC to running for 30 minutes. It's so awesome, it is simply unbelievable! 🙌
We are in the same place on the programme. I think you've done so well to pick up again. Very best of luck on graduating soon!
I couldn’t even walk for more than 50 yards without becoming breathless and heart racing with my LC! Heart rate still a little high but hopefully will come down the more I do!
My heart beats at an unnaturally fast rate anyway! But I remember not being able to cross the patio two years ago; spending two days in bed after walking for 10 minutes last year; and not walking 30 minutes for more than 3 years. This really is a miracle. And your - no OUR - progress is simply awesome. Well done us!!! 🤣

Congratulations! You must feel so proud and excited...I have my eye on W9R3 next week 🤞🤞🤞. Don't worry about what you look like, (I know, easy to say, and I chose very secluded place for my first runs), but it doesn't take long to forget about other people and frankly you are much more likely to act as an inspiration to others. Venture out with that in mind and enjoy it! (Suggest you find somewhere soft/grassy to start with as tarmac can be a little unforgiving initially, and somewhere fairly a decision of startling naivety I started with something slightly hilly....).


Fantastic achievement, venture outdoors now for a whole new experience to consolidate your runs. Try even 20- 25 mins outdoors if you are not sure. Outdoors is so much nicer, you have things to look at, wind in your hair and various terrain to experience which will all make you stronger. Pavements to forest trails, hills and downhill .... the world I'd your oyster.

Massive congratulations to you!

Brilliant, really pleased for you. Do let us know how you find the transition and what you do next in terms of running.

That's wonderful! What a fantastic achievement. I'm also 64 (65 next month) and have never run before. I'm 2 runs away from graduating and might just manage 3k, as I'm so slow. But what a thing to do. I think we should be immensely proud.

Congratulations 🎉 Very well done! I graduated in December but can still remember that very first run of Week 1 and feeling exactly the same as you! I too am extremely slow but have learned to accept that - and actually managed to run for 50 mins last week! Keep going with a few weeks of consolidation as this programme really works and don't worry about what other people think. Just give it a try and enjoy it 😊

Congratulations on completing C25K!
Congratulations, you did it
Congratulations on graduating!
Running outside is different to running on a treadmill every step is different from the previous! If you have a local park May I suggest having a gentle jog round it this will help build your confidence!
Another one it Park Run on a Saturday it’s free all you have to do is register online! It a mapped 5k course with Marshall’s around the course! You do not have to run it you can walk it! Just don’t go of to fast!
Have a look and see if there are any running groups in your area you could join!
Once again congratulations 👏

Just want to say WELL DONE!!!We have all been there. Graduating really is an amazing feeling. So enjoy getting your badge!!
You are now officially a cool is that!
I found the comment about running past GP surgeries quite amusing only that when I got home after my run today my wife told me my son wanted me to attend his doctors appointment with him so I rushed to the surgery to do just that in full running kit!!!
Having had his consultation with me present I apologised to the doctor for my wet seat and my soggy bottom ! as it had rained heavily during my whole 10k (No complaints though it was brilliant running in the rain considering how warm it has been lately )😀 Ha Ha
Welcome to the club!! and keep on running.

we’ll done! Great achievement
Congratulations, feels great doesn’t it 😀