I really did it, just finished my graduation run and I feel fantastic!!
The highlight was 10 minutes into the run when a car stopped and the passenger asked for directions to the crematorium!! There was no way I was stopping so I shouted "I can't stop, you'll have to follow me and I 'll point the way" .
When Laura said I had 5 minutes to go I was playing the Rocky Balboa theme song in my head, the one where he runs up the steps, even did a wee Rocky style jump up and down at the end!
9 weeks ago I really struggled to run for 1 minute and didn't really think there was any way I could finish the plan. At that stage I found myself questioning why, at 50 years old, I was putting myself through that grief. Today I ran for 30 minutes and whilst it still isn't easy I now believe I'm a runner.
There is still a way to go but my shape is definitely changing and I'm thrilled with that.
Big thanks to Laura and everyone on here, I know I'd never have been able to do it without your encouragement.