I decided in my wisdom, or not , to run today with Laura and the aid of a running app , really because curiosity got the better of me 🤔 Firstly I was interested to see where I was at and secondly having read so many posts from others, who seemingly find it invaluable data , I thought nothing to lose . Well it worked fine, and if this pretty much not so techno savvy bloke, can affix a screenshot ,I would be grateful of others advice on the data and recommendations on its further uses moving forward . I am smiling as I can see my screenshot popped up above my ramblings lol , well there it is, and would appreciate feedback if any , main thing today is only one run to go, so mission nearly accomplished . Be amazing to join those who have successfully graduated, and those well on the journey themselves , stay strong , keep going 🙏🤓👍👍
W9 R2 and App Test Time !!: I decided in my... - Couch to 5K
W9 R2 and App Test Time !!

Nice time! Based on averages a bloke our age (I’m 49 too 😊) does 5k in around 34 minutes. Your pace is closer to the average for someone in their early 20s according to the data I’ve looked at. Of course these are averages and we are all different. But I would say if it feels good and you’re not picking up any injuries well done you 👍🏻😊

30 minutes to graduation !
Well done .
Are you running at a conversational pace?
As that is the best way to build a strong aerobic base .
Enjoy your graduation run .
I’m a little confused about what you’ve tracked-was it the running section? It seems too long for that but not long enough to include the warm up walks!
Couch to 5k is all about running at a conversational pace. How far or fast you went won’t tell you that-were you able to speak in full sentences out loud without gasping?
Some people like to keep track of the distance they’ve run in a specific time period, or their fastest time for a mile/5k/10k etc, or how many miles they’ve done in a week. It’s up to you, but the couch to 5k programme is a bit early to start thinking about all that. It’s literally doing the time on your feet and building your fitness. Comparisons with others are often pretty demoralising for a lot of us!
You’ve got one run to go! Enjoy! Get ready for some celebrations!