Well, I finally finished week 1 (e.g., Run3) of Zombies Couch to 5k, and as predicted, with this last week being quite work-heavy, I managed only to add one run to the two runs from the week before.
But I had planned to stretch my second-time C25k journey to accommodate my post-covid, post-injury-couch recovery phase. I was listening to my body, and whereas Run 2 felt a bit more difficult with joints aching, run 3 came after a couple of days of cutting out all dairy and sugar again. And on this run, my joints felt great.
In the previous week, I had attempted to reintroduce dairy after a 3 year free period, and had eaten cheese on two evenings. I had been hoping my body could now cope, but it was not to be. So I’m back to gluten-free, sugar/chocolate free, dairy-free, soya-free and alcohol-free diet. Hm! 😤
But the benefits to my well-being overweigh all the delights of those foods and drinks. The cheese, though, is my weakness. And I know there will be times when I indulge and accommodate a bit of joint pain, as it would be more demotivating to set myself a zero-dairy diet forever.
But the glorious feeling of my sunny run this morning resulted from not having eaten anything that could aggravate my joints. And it was a great run!
The sun came out by the time my iPhone was charged. I chose to run the other way around my circular path around a hill, which meant I didn’t have to struggle up the hill on my first run-sprints! And only the last three run sprints had an uphill slope, but by this time, I was nicely warmed up.
The temperature was refreshingly cool, but I could feel the sun. Dog walkers were out, and spring flowers were everywhere, breaking through.
A bit out of the ordinary was the policeman I encountered on a little winding footpath, asking me if I’d seen a big, hooded, sweaty man running away. 😳 I hadn’t, and I thought to joke if he was looking for a C25k runner. I didn’t, but this exchange left me a bit concerned. After asking whether it was safe to run here, his response was so reassuring that I run-walked on. I did encounter another pair of police officers 3/4 around the hill. I asked them if they were ok, and they laughed and asked if I was. And then there was a helicopter joining the area. 😳🧐🤨
Something was up, but I ran on. The number of dog walkers (and these police persons ) did make me feel pretty safe, and it’s a route with open fields and popular with hikers, horse-riders, and dog walkers.
But it does make you think.
Anyway, despite the concerning presence of the police, it was a good morning, with a great run, now back home, stretch, shower, smoothie and then relaxing into a glib, proud state whilst writing this.
Next Sunday is my 2-year Runniversary, so I’ll be timing my runs to do one that Sunday!
Happy running, everyone!