Hi graduated on April and like every runner was lost without couch to 5 K. But carried on going back to the app and doing the same runs to up my stamina. It was good until I saw a pot hole which I thought I escaped by a long stride. But ended with a twang in my knee which gave me severe pain in my thigh that I never had, thought I injured myself permanently, went to A and E waiting for 2 hrs told to eat paracetamol and ibuprofen and after many research, I found out it was a hamstring pull.
Cutting the story short, I have since then tried Couch to 5 k day 1 run 1, it was discomfort rather than pain, but as i was a graduate my strides was very long, I was making a conscious effort to making it small. But that was 5 weeks ago. I felt the pain easing, but have lost the motivation. I was on a adrenaline high, picking myself up every time I got to go for a run, now I cannot be bother, have lost the motivation even to get ready.
I have been going through this forum, I found consolidation clubs, podcasts on speed, stamina and stepping stones of 5K+ and strength and flex podcasts. And have been making plans. One thing I think is I used to do 6 k and others as was craving for more run and it was more of a mental thing, a good night run before bed and a morning run as soon as I work up, to be honest, I think I was overconfident and couch to 5K was not enough so I ran more than I could just prove to myself, when I reached week 7, when I got into the habit of running. Thinking of I had my morning run, I will do this one again at night before bed. So it wasn’t hurting, but don’t know what happened, it wasn’t painful, I was enjoying it. Now, when I look back I just jumped into it. Now completely off it.
Can I get some help to come back to This track but the proper way.
Any help will be very appreciated. I am very well and strong now, no pain while I walk, but was loving it, so knowing that I might not have done it properly, I didn’t know about strength and flexibility podcast.
Sorry for the long post but really wanted to give a gist of emotions and mistakes I might have done. As I knew about easy food app, you app, weight loss app and couch to 5K app and was on a weight loss and fitness journey along with knowledge of my muscular weakness- that is easily cramping and twisting my ankles. So that feeling was so right and I was not being selfish but showing self love but now all that is gone.
Need some help to come back properly. 🙂🙂