Completed Week 3 but had to keep stopping - ch... - Couch to 5K

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Completed Week 3 but had to keep stopping - cheated?

Hyper2 profile image
12 Replies

I have completed week 3, but when I ran the 3 minutes segments, it was too much for me, so after 1m and 20 seconds of running, I had stop and walk for 15 seconds to catch my breath and then resume running. So if feels like I have cheated....

I have been struggling with continuous running. I can run for 1 minute short bursts, then walk a bit, then run again for another 1 minute bursts.... I don't know how to break this limit.

I don't know if I should move to Week 4, where I have to run for 5 continuous minutes, which for me would be an even bigger leap.

After the session is finished (during cooldown), I do continue running, but only for short bursts.

I can walk for miles (and do enjoy it), but continuous running is a struggle. I don't know how to break the barrier..... I have been running on and off, even before I installed this app.....

Should I continue to Week 4?

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Hyper2 profile image
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12 Replies
nowster profile image

If you can't complete a run without stopping or walking part of a jogging section, you shouldn't count on having done that run.

Are you trying to "run" rather than doing a slow jog? That's a common mistake we all have made.

Devon_straggler profile image

No, you should fully complete each week before you continue. Don't worry if it takes more than 9 weeks - it has taken me months to get to W9! If you're needing to get your breathe back after a minutes running then you're going too fast. My most miserable run was in W2 because I was trying to go too fast, once I slowed down I found a speed that I could just keep plodding away at - you should still be able to have a conversation.

Perhaps try W3 again and aim for completing the time rather than trying to aim to run hard - an easy jog is much better!

Frizzbomb67 profile image

It’s best to repeat a run if you can’t complete it. Many of us have had to repeat runs, sometimes more than once before moving on. Each run prepares you for the next one so you will just be moving on to an even harder run. Have a rest day or two then try again. Slow right down next time. Good luck!

Hwalsh4 profile image

I've never posted anything on here. But I'm currently trying to get to 5k by the beginning of April. I've done C25K before, and found it really helpful. But as I have a shorter period in which to complete it I'm doing my own thing. I've been struggling recently to run for 22 and a half minutes, I've just been going out and trying to push to get there. But today I did it, and made it to 25 minutes continuous. How? By pacing myself and just repeating in my head that my pace does not matter, it's just the fact that I keep going. Take each step as it comes, and know that you're doing a fab job! You'll get there, but don't fixate on how long it takes, do it at your own pace!

GoogleMe profile image

You haven't 'cheated' that's a word laden with moral disapproval. C25K is something you are doing for you (although if you were to claim you'd done the programme despite not running continuously in run segments that would mislead others). But you are not building the right foundation for success in the aims of the programme - to get you running continuously for 30 minutes on a regular and sustainable basis (at any pace). At the moment you've not really quite got the 'idea' of the thing and that's the only reason you are struggling.

I'd be willing to bet you have deluded yourself that your running motion should de facto be faster than your walking pace. You are clearly physically fit enough.

There's a fabulous pinned post which is a guide to the programme which is well worth your (or anyone's) time to read.

Don't mess about with it. Get your pace right down - smaller steps may help if it is getting tough, doesn't matter if you are pretty much running on the spot at the end of a run segment if that's what it takes. You are building up an attitude of keeping going. So keep at the forefront of your mind that if you stop running in a run segment, that's it for that day and walk the rest of the session, take your day off running the next day and try the session again. You'll be more committed to trying to keep going, you'll have a clearer marker for progress... and you won't mess up the very important walk at the end of the session.

ethreeguy profile image

Morning Hyper2,

Interesting array of comments in the below.

To be honest, I'd do it again, but bring that pace right down. You mentioned the word "burst", that to me implies you're putting a lot of effort into those 3 minutes, whether that effort be physical or mental.

How did you fair on week 2? Would you consider taking a step back - trying for a few more weeks on that one before proceeding to week 3?

The reason I ask is because very similar to you, I struggled like mad to get over barriers within the C25K app. Some weeks I'd spend upto 3/4 weeks on just one single week.

Always remember you're doing great, don't get disheartened, your running journey is personal to you.

Let us know how you get on.


John_W profile image

"I had stop and walk for 15 seconds to catch my breath "

That right there is the main symptom and the crux of your problem.

You are going waaayyy too fast. C25K is not very good at say exactly slow you should be doing it.

Each 'running' segment should be done as a nice easy JOG, one which feels really comfortable and such that at the end of te final segment, leaves you feeling like you could carry on if you had to. We call it conversational or chatty pace - everyone has it, you just have to slow down enough to find it. Any time you're out of breath - that's your canary-in-the-mine - your danger signal telling you to slow down.

I'm going to tag you in a reply of mine to someone else with the same issue - you are NOT alone!

Sh53202 profile image

. Don’t be hard on yourself. You are doing this for you and it doesn’t matter how you compare with anyone else so there is no need to push on if you aren’t ready. Go really really really slow.. ( look at the videos for Japanese slow running, very helpful) and if were me I would go back to week 2 until you can do the 90 second runs. It will get easier very soon... good luck.

IannodaTruffe profile image

Welcome to the forum and well done on getting started.

Fully complete each workout before moving is a training plan ,not a check list exercise.

Slow simple as that.

This guide to the plan is essential reading

and includes advice on minimising impact, stretching after every run, hydration and strengthening exercises, all of which will help.

Enjoy your journey.

Cmoi profile image

Hi Hyper2 , as others have said, it really sounds like you're trying too hard and going way too fast. You don't need to run, just jog, and you shouldn't be out of breath.

Also, you really shouldn't be running during the cool-down walk either. It's designed to be just that - a gradual way for your body to get back to "normal" - not an opportunity to compensate for anything you didn't quite manage earlier.

Try Week 3 again, and go slow, but keep going. You can do this!

newbie-nick profile image

CHEAT. Verb. act dishonestly or unfairly in order to gain an advantage. You have NOT done this, so no, you have not cheated, but you are quite probably as guilty of doing what far too many of us in here are guilty of - running too fast.Just remember a couple of things: You should be running at a pace where you can hold a conversation with another runner - even if there isn't one with you, just chat to yourself and if you are finding it difficult - SLOW DOWN. Most of us try to go too fast. C25K is NOT a race to the finish line. There was a lady on here some weeks ago who took 29 weeks. Take is S L O W L Y and steadily and you will get there.

Secondly, rest days are vital. Never, I repeat, NEVER skip them for any reason.

Thirdly, listen to your body. If it is saying that you are doing too much too soon, or too fast - listen. It knows you better than anyone else does.

Lastly, run S L O W L Y.

Oh, if you need to repeat a week, do it. It doesn't matter, and NO ONE will judge you - however, DO NOT skip weeks.

Stay safe and keep us posted...

Hyper2 profile image

I wanted to post some success. I managed to do a continuous run for 5 minutes (Week 4 - run 1). Hooray!. I was really happy. So thank you.

How did it happen. After reading the replies here. I did re-do Week 3. I was n't aware the app, allowed you do re-do a completed run. I still could n't break my habit of stopping midway and carrying on running. I ran much more slowly as advised, but it felt odd to run so slowly. Almost like jogging on the spot. I watched the videos on Japanese slow running.

Then the weather changed. We had all that glorious sunshine and mini heatwave. As I was without my car, I had to walk 4 miles in the sunshine. In theory, I should have been tired to go running, but the next day, I felt on top of the world. Lots of energy.

I decided to try see what would happen if I tried Week 4. I managed to do it perfectly!

The sun had a profound effect on my health. I felt my body, had been charged up by the sun. That was the key.

Running slowly, also helped me to consciously breathe into my belly, rather then chest.

Thank you for your encouragement. I will keep trying to break the barriers.....

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