I am sitting here in my running kit with a huge grin on my beetroot coloured face. Who was that exhausted woman trying to run for one minute bursts just after last Christmas? I know I've not covered 5km but I have completed 30mins and I will eventually reach the 5km in 30mins but right now I am very very happy. Toot toot! - my own little fanfare. Now I must ponder what treat I deserve
Week 9 Run 3 - Hurray! I did it: I am sitting... - Couch to 5K
Week 9 Run 3 - Hurray! I did it

well done you!!!! I'm grinning for you!

Well done Blueboots you are an insperation!!!! Give me 3 weeks and I too hope I'll be line for a treat!!
Keep posting need to know there is life after w9r3 lol

Just started the treat question, bluebooks get over there and post in honour of your completion I think you should go first

Awesome!! Well done Boots!

Excellent well done!!

Well done you

WELL DONE!! You should be SO proud of yourself!

Thank you everyone for all the congratulation messages. I'm staying on the site working towards the 5km and will be following your stories.
This is brilliant, I am so chuffed for you. The fact that you remind us of your redfaced 1st week is inspiring as you are proof that this does work and that we will all eventually acheive what you have if we just stick with it and go for it.
Inspiring - thank you :@)

Fantastic, Well done

What an AMAZING achievement!!! Massive congratulations on your 30 minute run!! I cant wait to get to that stage - must be an amazing feeling!!

Hey Blueboots, FANTASTIC, well done!! Let us know when you decide on your treat!!

Yay Blueboots you did it!