So I’ve been out of action for over a week now since hobbling home having completed all the running in W4R1 a week last Sunday. With the hobble not getting significantly better despite doing RICE I decided not to self diagnose via Dr Google, bite the bullet and make a physio appointment.
Well there was good news and bad news. The good news was that it wasn’t my Achilles’ tendon. The bad news is I have an instability in my right ankle causing my foot rolling inwards (or something like that). Despite my initial denial of ever having had an ankle injury, I dredged my memory and remembered having fallen out of a tree spraining my ankle when I was about 10. He thinks that was probably the cause. Who knew?
Apparently the running has caused an overuse injury inflaming the bursa.
Luckily he reckons that an orthotic and further rest and massage should rectify it but definitely NO RUNNING UNTIL IT’S BETTER.
I’m really pleased that I’ve been proactive and seen a physio. It would have got better with rest and time, but without any corrective action I imagine it would’ve reoccurred. But I must admit I am frustrated that I’m still on the injury couch