My own fault really- I ran on Sunday when I probably shouldn't have, in a 5k. Calf went only 1k into race. Anyway I went to the physio yesterday and have torn a calf muscle ๐ญ. She treated it with ultrasound and massaged it a bit. I've been told I won't be running for the next 3 or 4 weeks so not very happy! She thinks I will still have time to train for the 10k in June but it's just so frustrating not being able to do anything! Really keen to get back to running ๐ญ๐ญ๐ญ
Still on the injury couch.....: My own fault... - Couch to 5K
Still on the injury couch.....

Most of us have been there, Lorna and can feel your pain.
3-4 weeks isn't too bad really but the fact that you feel 'stir crazy' speaks volumes about your level of motivation, which is good, right?
You really won't lose too much in terms of fitness over that period and do have time for a good preparation for your 10K, honest! Take it easy.

Rest up.. do other leg exercises... and core strength maybe.. plan lots of great routes too...
Gentle hug.. I really, really sympathise... I got off the IC on Tuesday and was so, so happy xxx
You will be right as rain! x

Yes, sadly most if not all of us have had some time on the injury couch. Dunder is right, 3-4 weeks is not long in the scheme of things. Can you do something else like walking or swimming in the mean time? In any case, I find still calling in here when I'm OIC reminds me I am still a runner, I hope that might help you too xx
The physio has told me to rest as much as possible for the next week, then we'll see what I can do. It does help to read the posts on here then I still feel part of things! xx

Sorry to hear you are on the IC, its no fun at all. Have you thought about yoga? You can do it at home if you have access to Youtube. You could concentrate on core strengthening which will help when you get back to running. I found it also helped me maintain the habit of exercise too๐๐ช๐ป๐๐ผ

Really sorry to hear that Lorna. Having torn a calf muscle in the past myself, I think this wait is really one of those "how long is a piece of string?" scenarios. Yep, you could be up and running in the time you state but if it takes longer, then you just have to go with the flow. ๐ Running sites are awash with stories of recurrent calf problems and I was so worried that mine would result in ongoing problems. I think the reason it hasn't been, is down to the fact that I waited and went back slowly (plus two false starts where I realised I wasn't ready). Has your physio graded your tear? If she's saying 3-4 weeks then that doesn't sound too bad. As for your 10k - hopefully you will get there in time for it, but if you don't, there will always others - running is a 'change for life' remember and you have all the time in the world! Good luck!๐