Whinge Alert!
Yours truly dragged his enfeebled frame off the Injury Couch this morning to sighs of relief from fellow sufferers - it's a bit crowded on there, you see - in order to attend my long awaited GP's appointment - stuff the patients, he'd been on holiday for a couple of weeks!
I was pleased to note that not only was he aware of Couch to 5K, he enthusiastically supported it.
After poking, prodding, pulling, pushing and tweaking he announced, "I think we can do something about this."
Apparently I need "Spinal and Pelvic Re-alignment & Postural Correction" which sounds much better than, "Stand up straight, don't slouch you slovenly git!" but the local Physio / Sports Injury Clinic has a 175 day waiting list it seems.
I told him I was quite prepared to pay for private treatment and he handed me one of their cards whilst bemoaning the fact that he didn't earn a single penny for referring me - makes tears well up at the thought of it doesn't it?
Anyway, I ambled along to the clinic and managed to get a consultation appointment for later on this very morning so I might run out of excuses for not running soon although I'm ashamed to say I've gotten rather too comfortable on the I.C. and lost the desire to run so a kick up the jacksy, jaxie, jacksie - however you spell it - from you lot might be required in the near future.
Whinge over.