Hi..newbie here. I haven't done exercise for years (decades!) Other than the running around that being a teacher and mum of 2 involves! Have gained wait over lockdown and need to improve weight and fitness. Did week 1 run 2 today. Its HARD!! I felt slightly better at the end than after run 1 but still found it so tough. I was going slowly but still!! I think I'll do week 1 a couple of times. Really need to hear it gets easier! X
Week 1 is hard!!: Hi..newbie here. I haven't... - Couch to 5K
Week 1 is hard!!

Well done for starting !
A lot find week 1 tough .
But why do it again ?
If you completed it go on to the next run .
It's only necessary to redo the runs you don't complete

Well done, it’s the hardest week ! Go slower, hydrate and look at the pinned posts. You will find that 1 minute rest is much shorter than 1 minute run. It’s a problem wirh the time space concept or something. Well done for starting and this group is amazing, use it loads

Yes, it is hard, but if you've successfully completed a run there's absolutely no need to do it again. The programme is structured the way it is for a reason.
Week 2 sessions are only 30 seconds longer in total than Week 1 ones. The runs are a bit longer but there are fewer of them.
Believe in yourself. You've said your second session was a bit easier than the first.

You can take as long as you like...but truthfully if you have completed a session, there is no need to repeat it.
Best tip: go slow...then even slower. Look up “Japanese slow jogging”
I’m sure that my brisk walk is faster than my ‘running’ 😂
Read the pinned posts...then read them again!
You can do it...and this forum will be here cheering you on!
Hey there, you should be really proud of yourself for starting this programme. I totally get that it seems impossible at the beginning. I am at least 3 stone overweight and made every excuse under the sun not to do this. I'm now in week 5 and still in awe of this programme and how well it works. It really does!!! I don't know about getting easier but your lungs and legs gets stronger every week which gives you the strength to keep doing the programme. You will do this, you just need to keep believing in yourself. Most on here would agree that it's mind over matter, you have to overcome the inner voices every time you go out there but it's totally possible and you'll have all the support you need right here. Best of luck and keep checking in here to let us all know how you're doing xx

Yes it gets easier, although each week is a challenge, I carried on at the pace suggested, had a day off between each run and I graduated on Saturday. I am in my late 60’s so , as quite a lot of us say, if I can do it anyone can.
Best advice, don’t run too fast, sounds obvious but make sure you can hold a conversation and slow down if you can’t.

Well done, the first few runs are the hardest and even if you think you are slow you can slow down more to be able to carry on
Do read the guide it tells us how to do it and keep going

Yes week 1 is hard - but as others have said, you will be ready for week 2 when you have finished week 1.
Just a warning - I found week 2 the hardest of all! But the good news is that after that it all became much easier, and I still have no idea why - so don't be put off!
It's all really worth it!

Yes it is hard. I was exactly where you are just 3 months ago. Those first few weeks are tough but you do progress quickly so push on and don’t repeat runs unless you don’t achieve them. The program works so trust it. It does get easier, I’m running 5k regularly now and am beginning to increase my pace and distance, but it does take some time. Stick with and you’ll be looking back 3 months from now marvelling at how far you’ve come!
Maxtry if I can do this anyone can. I'm 57, always hated running, I'm at least 3 stone overweight but I'm onto week 6 run 3! Honestly can't believe that I've got this far. When I say run, it's got to be the slowest jog ever! I still hate running and it's hard, but just did 2 x 10 minute runs and it doesn't seem any harder than that first week. Just keep going and tell yourself you can do it! xx

Welcome to the forum and well done on getting started.
This guide to the plan is essential reading healthunlocked.com/couchto5...
and includes advice on minimising impact, stretching after every run, hydration and strengthening exercises, all of which will help.
Enjoy your journey.

You started c25k as we’ve gone back to school? Massive kudos. I’m fit to collapse and the kids aren’t even back yet 😭

Week one is hard and a half... run one nearly killed me 8 times over! You’re doing it though... if you can, slow down a little more. In a couple of years I’ve gone from almost quitting in the very first minute, to resenting the finish line if it’s been less than an hours run. I’ve done a half marathon, I’m currently running 30 miles a week, I’m starting to look at those ultra marathon things I’d heard about. I’m not special... we are all awesome though. You can do everything I’ve done... and to date that first C25K run is the toughest run I’ve faced. You can do this... you’ll discover a lot about yourself... you’ll see the you that others love and you don’t normally see, and you’ll be running 30 minutes in a few weeks. Have a wonderful journey.
Thanks so much for your encouragement everyone! OK I'll try and not repeat. My main worry is trusting in myself not to give up so I could do with finding it a it easier...i'll slow down more! X
I feel your pain 😂

Firstly well done for getting out there and signing up for the programme, that’s an achievement in itself!
Week 1 is difficult because it’s the first time you’ve done anything like that so your body is adjusting. The programme has been designed to work with an unfit non-runner so trust in the programme and keep moving forward to the next weeks. Top top tip - Go Slowly.. Jo says it around W3 or 4.. if someone were behind a hedge that you were jogging past, they shouldn’t be able to tell if you are running or walking. Slow jog, minimal bouncing. Honestly was the best advice given to me and I’m on W6 now which I still cannot believe!
Good luck and stay positive. You can do this. 🍀💪

Well done for starting. The programme is supposed to be a challenge, if it were easy we'd all be running long distances straight away. It will challenge you and that's the point really, so if you have completed a run, however hard you found it, there is no reason to repeat it. I would crack on! Teachers and mothers are made of tough stuff! Well done!