Help! : OK, I'm struggling I'm putting my hands... - Couch to 5K

Couch to 5K

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Little_lizzie profile image
36 Replies

OK, I'm struggling I'm putting my hands up...

I've just repeated "W1 R3" but I still cannot do the full 60 seconds. I think it's a combination of things, 1) I am over weight, I know that and 2) I'm like so new to running... with those 2 things I think my body is too heavy for my legs to take... my legs physically cannot take the strain.. I'm making me sound like I'm an elephant. (I don't think I am lol)

I want to get your thoughts on this...

I'm 6ft, 17st 8lb, I'm heavy, I don't have an issue with walking and at a fast pace..

So, I was thinking (I'm NOT giving up, no way) I'm going to alter the length of time I run for. I'm still going to use the app cos I love it, but I'm going to run for 30 seconds instead of the 60.. thus helping me keep the routine, and as the weight slowly comes off I'm guessing it's going to make it easier on the legs. If I feel I can run for longer than 30, then I will. I am doing the dynamic warm up and the warm down.

I love the concept of c25k, and I know I will get to the end of it... but I think I need to lose some weight first.

OK.... sock it to me.....

Please don't hold back!

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Little_lizzie profile image
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36 Replies
Charfar profile image

You do what works for you! I’m

Glad ur not giving up I love the C25k app it was a godsend to me. So just go at a pace that’s right for you and move on when u are ready, there is plenty of support on here for you too!! Good luck love xxx

Little_lizzie profile image
Little_lizzie in reply to Charfar

Thank you... I didn't think it would be this difficult!

I know I'll get the support on here... I don't and won't give up, cos I know I can do it..

It's like my legs screaming! I don't think they quite know what's hit them! 😫😫

AlMorr profile image

That is sheer determination, congratulations on starting C25K with week 1 and welcome to the forum, by all means you can repeat any runs or week's if you wish to or run only for 30 seconds and gradually increase that to a minute when you are ready.

While doing the course, take all runs slow and steady, drink plenty of water the day before you run and some just before, don't run on consecutive days as that could cause a injury, good luck for your running journey with C25K 😊 🏃🏾.

Charfar profile image

I think it’s a bit addicting this app lol

Charfar profile image

Even if u make changes and it works for you, further on down the line u will be better and before u know it u be like oh I made it to week 9 how did this happen ha

Feltip profile image

I'm as heavy as you so I know it is possible, I'm about to start week 7, so it is very do able

Maybe you are too fast, slow down, often out think you slow and cant go any slower, but then you can !

I'm sure with your determination you'll get there. Theres no time limit, your journey is your journey.

Good luck

Tinytears60 profile image

The struggle is real....

we all struggle.... especially week 1 it’s a shock to our system... 🙈

I’m sure there are people bigger than you running so I think it’s more of a mental battle.... I found some weeks mentally more challenging so I know it can happen ....

rather than cutting the 60 seconds why don’t you try

5min walk .. then try ... even if you only run 1 of the 60 seconds run that and then walk ...

It’s not a race .. there is no competition or pressure... Don’t move on to week 2 until you have completed all of the plan as it states .. ie run when it says run and walk when it says walk...

take this from someone who struggled after 20 seconds of the 60 seconds of week 1.. I kid you not.. it’s not easy BUT nothing worth having is.... and it’s do-able ...

I thought 60 seconds was easy.... until I tried it...

🎧 🎵 Little mix - Power! Try it ... it’s so motivational!

I still wonder if you’re going too fast?.. I thought I wasn’t... but I was ... couldn’t believe it!

Hope this helps 👍 someone sent it to me and it was a revelation!

nowster profile image

Whatever works for you!

Maybe a Week Zero where you run for 30 seconds when the minute is an even number (or an odd number, depending on when you started), doing 8 runs in total.

Then for the next week do the same but increase the run duration to 35 seconds, and in following weeks 40 seconds, then 45, and after that try the official Week 1 again.

Little_lizzie profile image
Little_lizzie in reply to nowster

fabulous! That's actually a really good idea! That's totally doable! I can see me doing that, thanks Nowster.

Little_lizzie profile image

Hi all!

Thank you all for your input, I do appreciate it, I really do!

I do run very slow, just like the Japanese man says, love him! I push as long as I can, some times I can do the 60, it's blooming hard and my legs scream..

I know the weight is coming off, and that once I lose more it may be easier on the legs..

I will give the 30 seconds thing a go, so how I get on, its like an aim, if I can do all eight 30 seconds I know I'll feel like I've achieved something, I'm then knock it up to 45... another aim... and so on...

That's a thing I can do x

Again, thank you, you lovely lot!

Little_lizzie profile image
Little_lizzie in reply to Little_lizzie

Edit to the above...

See Nowster's idea!

I can do that!

Tasha99 profile image

Have tot done run 1 and 2? I’m a bit confused as to how you can’t do 60 seconds, yet you’re on run 3?

Little_lizzie profile image
Little_lizzie in reply to Tasha99


Yep did Week One runs 1 2 & 3, twice, (week one runs twice) hoping that I'd be able to conquer them, but haven't...

Haven't moved onto week two 90 second runs cos I can't do 60 seconds

Did that make more sense lol xx

Lizzie x

Tasha99 profile image
Tasha99Graduate in reply to Little_lizzie

Just do 45 seconds first. There are plenty of people who can’t do the 60 seconds straight away. I was your weight and 5’10” I’ve lost over 6 stone 👍🏽

Little_lizzie profile image
Little_lizzie in reply to Tasha99

Wow! That's fantastic! Well done!!

John_W profile image

Loving your determination!

Here's another suggestion - a 9-week pre-C25K program that will help condition your legs and help (a little) with some weight-loss.

You use the app exactly as prescribed but instead of it being 'brisk walk/run' you do the entire thing as 'easy walk/brisk walk'. So it's a brisk walking program rather than a jogging program.

So warm up by doing a nice easy walk, then when it's time to jog... you brisk walk instead. Time to walk? Slow down to a nice easy walk.

That's a 9 week walking program that will *really* help strengthen your legs and help to lose a bit of weight and hopefully give you some more confidence.

Once completed you then repeat the whole thing but as 'brisk walk/jog'.

What do you think?

Little_lizzie profile image
Little_lizzie in reply to John_W

I think that's a great idea.. and bizarrely, I'd actually thought about it last week, but pushed it to one side thinking it wouldn't really do anything!

Nowster: I love your idea too.. OMG!.... what to do...


I've 2 days to think about it..


The conditioning my legs bit sounds more tempting.. and will get me ready for when it's finished...


I can always reinstall the app when I've done that...



(This is me thinking out loud)

Thanks guys!

Lizzie x

John_W profile image
John_WGraduate in reply to Little_lizzie

How much walking have you done in the last few months? It could be that that's what your legs need first ... get used to being on your feet and moving for 30 mins at a time. Then when it comes to jogging, they'll be more a lot more ready for it than this time around.

Little_lizzie profile image
Little_lizzie in reply to John_W

not much... used to being on my feet at work, but furloughed... so getting back to, i really like walking x

John_W profile image
John_WGraduate in reply to Little_lizzie

Have a watch of this - it's about starting running later in life ('over 50s') but the bit about walking (at about 6m:00) is quite relevant for you. He talks a little bit about similar principles of C25K ...

Little_lizzie profile image
Little_lizzie in reply to John_W

Thank you, that's pretty interesting!

John_W profile image
John_WGraduate in reply to Little_lizzie

I meant 5m:10 !

Tinytears60 profile image
Tinytears60Graduate in reply to Little_lizzie

There's actually an app from the same place as couch to 5k NHS ...its in the same colours ...its called Active 10..... its built the same except its for walking.....

You will find it really easy to use as its the same format as the C25k

Little_lizzie profile image
Little_lizzie in reply to Tinytears60

hi! I did install the app, but it wouldn't work... i went to the forum and it seems a few people have said the same... so, not sure??

Dexy5 profile image

That sounds like a great idea little_lizzie. The most important thing is to run slowly while doing c25k.

You’ll get there and you’ll

Be totally amazed when you can run for 30 minutes. 🏃‍♀️👏🏻👏🏻

StarkeyGo profile image

Hi!! Light clothing and good shoes make all the difference, also running socks!

I got some Nike Fly SP and I noticed the difference at the beginning.

Don't give up! You can do it!

Instructor57 profile image

Hi Lizzie, I think John_W ' s idea could be your answer !

At the end of the day 9 or however many weeks is erelavant, what's important is that it's a program you can manage and stick too without feeling de motivated !

I'm impressed with your determination and wish you success 👍

Little_lizzie profile image
Little_lizzie in reply to Instructor57

Thank you..

Little_lizzie profile image

Can I just say that I love all you guys! You've made this Yorkshire lass much more positive! Thank you! 😆😊😚

I have the full kit and kaboodle, I also have a bum bag for my phone... don't know I'm wearing it.

Thanks again!

Lizzie x

Roxdog profile image

I love your determination and your resolve to carry on, because you will do this! I think ypur plan makes sense too. I've heard lots of people on the forum say they've repeated runs etc and also say that they struggled in that first week or two. We are all different! I hope you are proud of yourself and you will succeed!

Little_lizzie profile image
Little_lizzie in reply to Roxdog

I am very proud of myself, more so for taking the step to actually have a go! All because of one dress!!

Little_lizzie profile image
Little_lizzie in reply to Little_lizzie

... and then you xx

Little_lizzie profile image
Little_lizzie in reply to Little_lizzie

thank *

JK20 profile image

Well done Little_lizzie for starting C25K, I also struggled with those 60 second runs but you can do it.

Take a look at your speed and maybe slow down, as everyone on here will say there is no such thing as too slow. It really helps build up stamina for the longer runs.

Congratulations on your weight loss too and I look forward to your post when you've reached your goal xx

BexJogs profile image

These ideas are all so good! I love how supportive everybody is! I don't have any more ideas to add, but wanted to wish you all the luck with it and just add my voice to those saying YOU CAN DO IT! You really can! Yes, you. Go get em!

Little_lizzie profile image
Little_lizzie in reply to BexJogs

Thank you so much xx

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