I have been wanting to start running again for a few months after not running for many years and putting on a significant amount of weight.
After a couple of false starts where my shins and hips were so painful I could barely walk, I have started the C25K plan with support from a couple of friends I have met through my gym.
I did Wk1 R1 at a much slower pace than before, running for a minute each time was tough but it has got slightly easier each time. I did Wk1 four times and yesterday I moved on to Wk2 R1.
I was slightly dubious that I could run for 90 seconds at a time but I did it, and only had to really push myself to finish on the last run section. I also felt as if I was getting into a better rhythm with the longer run time.
I am very slow, my husband came out with me yesterday and his walking pace is faster than my jogging pace! But I am doing it!
I am shattered, but I can feel my confidence and sense of achievement increasing after each run 😀