Well, it'll have been 6 whole weeks tomorrow since I completed the Couch to 5k graduation run. I can't quite believe it! Running's definitely been my mood booster and anxiety dissipator over the last few weeks. It's the endorphins coursing through you and that feeling of freedom you experience when you're out at 7:30am and the roads, paths and parks are (relatively) quiet. It's magical!
I had a solid week of waking up feeling dreadful, but it started to lift a bit after this Monday's run and today I woke up feeling the best I've felt in a week and a half, after having another good run yesterday morning (Wednesday). I've been getting anxious about my oldest boy starting school next month. He starts full time in reception class without having done any transition half days/stay and play (due to COVID), there's only one other child from his nursery going to his school and they won't necessarily be in the same 'bubble'. He's a sociable little boy, but it's a big deal being thrown in the deep end like that when you've only recently turned 4. I'm also going to be returning to work on site for some of my working hours from the middle of next month and there are a lots of unknowns about that. My mind's been going over things quite a bit (I've had some strange dreams!) but I've found running's helped to calm me down and clear my head
I've taken a sensible and gradual approach to increasing my consolidation run times. I did 3 weeks of 3x 30 minutes and I've added a modest amount to my runs since then (> 10% to my longest run). This week, I ran my longest run and longest distance on Monday and that was for 40 minutes/8:01 km. It was the first run where I felt like I'd made it as a runner. Yesterday's run was for 30 minutes and tomorrow's run will be for 35 minutes. I've found that by adding very gradually to my time spent running my stamina's increased more. I haven't worn myself out, I've given myself permission to increase my longest run by 3 minutes maximum each week, rather than forcing myself to run for a time/distance that I felt intimidated by. Next week, I'm planning to run for 45 minutes for my longest run, but I'll see how I go as it's a bit toasty hot out there at the moment!