Haven't posted for a bit as I've been busy busy busy, but have still found time to carry on with couch 25k and have benefitted enormously from having a running partner with me. I'm now running the 28 minutes and have allowed Cyclemetre to measure my distance (curiosity got the better of me!) so, I'm covering a distance of 4.48 k in 28 minutes. I'm chuffed to bits with that. 8 weeks ago I was running for 90 seconds at a time - this whole course has been totally liberating and I'm BUZZING.
I still find the first 5 minutes the hardest (this seems a common occurrence reading the posts on here) so I'm trying to mentally bypass this first stage and concentrate on the next 23 minutes. Easier said than done!
Only 4 more runs left before I graduate. This is utterly unbelievable. Week 1 run 1 I felt like the new girl at school and the " graduates" were like the 6th formers. Here I am facing graduation myself now.
I've entered a Race for Life (5k) for late June when I will come back to the UK to see family. Really looking forward to that.
Having an experienced runner as a running buddy has really upped my game - I can highly recommend it.
Oh and I've list 5.2 kilos since I started couch 25k - a pleasing side effect!!
Keep going everyone. Whatever stage you're at, just keep going. Listen to Laura and you'll get there.