When I started this programme I had my doubts as to whether I would be able to complete it, but I can now look back at that time and grin with achievement!
Because, yeap, I comfortably finished my final run of C25K!
To be honest it feels like a bit of an anticlimax! Maybe because I've already done the 30 minutes twice already! It certain didn't have the 'OMG! SUCCESS!!!' factor that Week 5 Run 3 had, where there was that first non-stop run...but that doesn't mean this run wasn't without it's own minor successes, too!
First off, I completed it in what I refer to as 'Hard Mode' (AKA on two types of painkillers and at my weakest). Secondly, I got into a comfortable pace much earlier than my previous few runs (which made the entire second half of the run much easier). Thirdly, I've extended the distance I ran on each 30 minute run (the same route each time) so there is visible improvement.
Finally, this is the first run since Week 5 where my right foot didn't go numb near the end!
Going onwards I think I shall continue doing 30 minute runs until I feel like I've made a suitable increase in pace (measurable by where I finish my route). Then I may try extending the time in order to reach the 5K (I'm nowhere near it right now). I don't have an accurate way of tracking my distance right now, though.
But, anyway, I feel good about myself and what I've achieved!
Thank you to everyone who has sent me encouragement and thank you to all of you for posting your own journeys and leaving advice and experience for us to follow! I hope my own posts help other people complete this programme!