I did it! Second attempt at the first run and I did it! Even more amazingly I actually enjoyed it. Can’t wait for the next one 💪🏻
Week 1 Run 1 - Second Attempt!!: I did it... - Couch to 5K
Week 1 Run 1 - Second Attempt!!

Congratulations, the biggest hurdle is out the way! Good luck with the rest of week 1

Great job out there today, and good to know you’re enjoying yourself... that’ll help the habit form even quicker. You’re now entitled to wear a smug grin all the way to the next run.
Hahaha love it! I was happy enough to get the nod from a few of my fellow runners today! I’m officially in the club haha
You sure are... many of those runners out there will have memories of how tough run 1 is too, I know I do!
I’m sure they do, it was really nice to feel like I had their support...even if they were running twice as fast as me! But running slow is better than not running at all I guess 😊
I run at several different speeds, with a 5 minutes per mile difference between my “fast” and my easy... I much prefer my easy, and those are the runs that increase health, fitness and endurance. There’s a time and a place for a fast run... on most days it’s about being comfortable and happy out there. Never worry about pace... just try to finish each run feeling how you did today.
I’ve been passed a parkrun by a mum pushing pretty newborn twins in a double pram... and I’m damn proud of both me and that mum on that run.

Good for you.
You just completed the hardest run of the program.
Can't go wrong now
Congratulations on your first run, I did my first one yesterday and really enjoyed it. Looking forward to tomorrow's run

Thank you! That’s amazing, we have an exciting journey ahead 😊
We do, I've been thinking about doing this for so long but never made it to actually running. I'm really excited, here's hoping we succeed. Good luck

I’m sure we will! I tried running years ago but really hurt my knees so gave up after the first run. I think I went too far and too fast lol. But I’m enjoying the gentle start of C25K 😊. Good luck to you too!
Thank you 😁 Its great that we can support each other
Whoohoo bet you feel amazing. Get mentally ready for next run
You got this!
Well done Weenie! You're a runner! No more looking out the window thinking, wish I could do that. You're doing it.

Way to go 👏👏👏👏👏that's brilliant! First one is a killer so to say you enjoyed it is a great start. Honestly I wish when I started I had took the pressure off myself and accepted the slow pace it will make your runs more enjoyable. I'm still running slow but I'm learning to just run. I tried to get a friend of mine to take up C25K her answer was that she's a pro at the couch part. So the fact your out there doing it puts you ahead of the game. Keep enjoying the best is yet to come. You've got this 💪💪💪
Thank you so much! I’m definitely also on the very slow pace. But if it helps me enjoy it more and actually get out there then why not! I’m also trying to get a friend into it actually as I’m thinking it would be nice to have someone to mutually motivate. But we will see! Can’t quite believe that I could run for 30 mins by the end of the program but will just take it slow 😊
Most of us are on the slow side if you check out the forum. I never thought I would run 30 minutes but you will just trust in the program it's quite magical. To be honest... I enjoy running alone. It's my time and I'm in control. Good luck 👍
I felt the exact same when I started... It seems completely unfeasible. I struggle with weak ankles so was extra concerned about running but the program is so good and moves at the perfect pace to build up your stamina. Just take it easy and run slowly, there’s no race. I’m now on week 8, so it’s definitely achievable. Everything is all in the mind, you’ve got this! And an extra well done at completing the hardest step - getting off the couch! 😁

You did it! The first one was really difficult for me. I think it was a problem for my head as much as my body.. it kept saying ‘This is silly’ and ‘Why are you doing this?’I’m glad I didn’t listen . Keep going and go slowly,
Well done you! Congratulations on not feeling defeated the first time. It's always OK to repeat a run or try again.
And of course people didn't look at the brace: I think people see it as a sign of a serious runner, rather than seeing it as a weakness !!!
Well done Weenie92!
keep going, you CAN do it!
Run 2 is easier because you know what’s ahead, ours less self conscious, and can focus on what you’re doing. enjoy, and keep us posted. We’ve all been there.

Well done for having another go. Keep going , it's not a race, we are all different, you'll get there . 👏👏🏃🏻🏃🏻
Thank you! It’s a good thing I’m not trying to race or I’d definitely be coming last! But I am enjoying the run even at a slow pace 😊

That’s awesome!!! Well done!!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
I’ve repeated quite a few of the runs for one reason or another and am slowly making my way through the programme. Never worry about running too slowly and good luck as you carry on!

Woo hoo! Well done Weenie92 ....there’s no stopping you now 💪🏻 😉

That's brilliant! I'm on Week 9, but if you'd told me 9 weeks ago I'd even get to week 2, I'd have just laughed - in between puffing and panting.
It's totally do-able. Stick with it. You'll be glad you did.

Many congrats Weenie92, best of luck and hope you enjoy Run 2 & 3 just as much

Good on you, I’m about to venture out for W2 R2, that first run seems eons ago when it was only 9 days on reality. It was by far the worst thing I’ve experienced for a long time. But W1 R2 and onwards where a lot better and I actually quite enjoyed W2 R1 - see what today is like shortly!
Well done, it feels good doesn’t W1 session 2. I did it earlier today, 8.45am. Felt better than Monday. Not sure when I’ll do it when I’m back in school. Not sure I could be up at 6.30! Feeling proud of myself
That’s amazing well done 😊. I know the feeling! I keep trying to convince myself to get up early and run now to get in the habit but yet to do it! If all else fails I’ll just have to run after work!
I think I’ll be doing it when I get home from work too. It does feel good to get it done in the morning as I worry I might not do it later!

Woop woop great job Weenie, you can do this! Keep going and keep sharing; we are all here for you!!

Well done!! Keep up the good work x
You should feel proud of yourself! I just did R1 W1 and as good as I felt after I was gutted that I never did it completely! Well done you are an inspiration 😀