Hi guys 😀
I like a lot of people have started C25K during lockdown.
I have been really enjoying it - it’s had such a positive influence on my mood!
But today I just felt - uncomfortable. My headphones kept tangling up - my trousers had no pocket so I had my phone in my bra, I tied my jumper round my waist which I’ve done every time so far with no problems but today it was annoying the hell out of me. It just felt messy! I also had the dog lead as he was trotting along ahead of me and two bags of 💩😂
Not only that I had what I can only feel was a tightness in my calf. It wasn’t painful , it just made it feel like my right leg was 10x heavier. Yesterday I trained with weights and pushed myself a little bit further but I stretched off properly(my husband is PASSIONATE about stretching properly after exercise after a bad back injury)
I came back borderline tearful and feeling like it’s not ever going to come naturally to me, hubby said that not every run is going to be a good one and that I’m being too hard on myself - ‘the most important part of training is turning up!’
Has anyone felt this? I was doing great and feeling great and it’s just deflated me a bit 😔