I have been thinking long and hard over the last few days about my goals.
I am a very goal oriented person. I like to set myself goals to work towards and the sense of achievement I get from getting there helps with my personal confidence and self esteem.
Over the last nearly seven years ( since learning to run) they have been my joy. So I need to adjust them now so they can still give me the positive aspect of my life that I need right now but also still as usual be slightly higher than I think I am capable. I find that it is that little push that gives me the sense of achievement.
So I am reducing my daily step count to try and get between 6,000 and 8,000 a day. This is while on my isolation with no walks outdoors. My garmin step counter counts the steps while I am on the cross trainer so this will help.
The cross trainer will take some time to build up. At the moment I am on 15 mins a time but I would like to slowly build this up to 30 mins and then start with increasing the intensity a little too.
Davina Mcall has opened her videos up for free with no credit card information being needed so I will register for that and see what I can do with those.
I have a yoga book that has really good alternative for those who are not very flexible, I have dug that out and will look into getting a routine together with that
I also have a rebounder that I am working on a little routine with light weight dumbbells.
By next week I am hoping to have the routines planned out and goals written up.
I like a tickbox chart on the fridge and after the day I start I don’t like to see any empty boxes it is my way of pushing myself but within my own capabilities.
Can you share some of your goals for the next coming weeks so we can all get some ideas and help ourselves keep going.
Stay safe
Rfc x