I've not suffered too much with aches and pains after the early runs, but now on week 8 I'm getting pain and stiffness in my left hip only. Any thoughts on why this is happening and what I can do about it? The pain isn't there when I'm not doing anything, but hurts a bit when walking, for a couple of days after running. I've just done W8R2 this morning, as part of my first try at a park run, harder than R1, perhaps because I couldn't avoid the hills as much as when I run my own route! I ran the 28 mins (very slowly!) then walked the rest, tired now and hip aching. Anyway I'd appreciate any advice on my hip issue, if any one has had the same issue, or has any thoughts.
Week 8, hip pain!: I've not suffered too much... - Couch to 5K
Week 8, hip pain!

I have the same problem with the hips. Interestingly one of the gym instructors told me last week that it’s the area that we most have to work on if we’re running. One of the exercises she suggested was side steps with a band. I’ve not seen her since but next time I do I want to ask advice on more strengthening exercises as now we’re running for longer I want to make sure I don’t get injured.
Did it also just start for you with the longer runs? I'll have to look into strengthening exercises!
I’ve had trouble with hamstrings before so I was seeing the physio and hips were playing up too - all connected I think in more ways than one 😂 I stopped doing yoga and Pilates on the physio’s advice as he thought they were adding to the problems with my hamstrings ( not strong enough to cope!). Started C25k and hips have improved although I’ve been careful to continue with exercises but noticed the last couple of runs a slight twinge so going to get it checked out again. Hope yours improve 😊

Hip flexor stretches as part of the cool down stretches might help (?)

I had problems with my hip back in the summer. It would feel better after a few days rest but would play up again after each run. I saw a physio (my GP referred me) who was really helpful and keen to get me back to running. He gave me some physio exercises to do at home which made a big difference. I was reluctant to bother my GP and I also thought he might just tell me to stop running! But I am really glad I made the appointment and got it looked at.

Are you wearing decent running shoes fitted after a gait analysis?
Hi my running shoes are from, Decathlon, very comfortable. But I haven't had a gait analysis so perhaps my gait isn't even. Do you think I should have one? I've started doing some hip exercises from an NHS website which seem to be helping, and I did a 3 mile walk this afternoon, hurts less when I'm active and gets stiff when i've been sitting.
My thoughts on buying running shoes are in this post healthunlocked.com/couchto5... and I would recommend anyone to have a gait analysis, otherwise you just take pot luck when buying shoes.
Hi interesting read because I have been sidelined in week 8 with hip and ongoing inner left knee pain. It’s beginning to get me down after three weeks and one trial run where I thought I was ok but exacerbated at again -I will be back to square one and was so motivated to finish ! I
have been questioning how long I should wait before perhaps seeing a doc especially in current COVID climate I would feel like a time waster ! Have been icing daily ibruprofen sometimes with knee and hip flexor exercises and walking when I can as most sites say keep moving after first few days . Have ordered a knee support
Anyone else recovered from similar and how ?
Sorry for long post am sat on a bench in the sunny common enviously seeing people jogging and running - and I NEVER thought I would say envy !🤪