Hi everybody,
When I started this around 10 weeks ago I had a persistent niggle with my left Achilles, which I had put down to age, so ignored it and started the program. All was going quite well, doing 3 runs a week, and then once the longer runs kicked in so did increased pain and swelling of said tendon. I consulted my gp who gave me some guidance literature. Although she didn’t tell me to stop, I decided to anyway and have been following the advice on how to treat it.
Now, 3 weeks later it seems to be getting better. So I’ve decided to carry on with the treatment over the holiday period, and hopefully I will be able to restart in the new year. That being said, I’m going to take it a lot easier, maybe take additional rest days, do some repeat runs, etc, and if it takes 6 months instead of 2 and a half, then so be it.
I’ve still been stalking you all so as not to lose focus, and it’s good to see you all progressing well. Keep it up, and I hope I can join you all soon 👍😁