Have now been out of plaster over 2 weeks last Thursday I saw the physio and the excercises I had been doing to that point were so tame. She really put me through the ringer but I can see an improvment in my walking.
I tend not to use crutches in the house now but do walk quite slow. If I am walking outside I use one as the pavements are uneven and it gives me some confidence which seems to be in my boots.
The foot still swells over the day but can get a normal shoe on in the morning.
Yesterday I went on the treadmill and managed .82 of a mile in 30 minutes, my OH was saying how great it was and I promptly started to cry. I was looking at what I had lost not how far I had come in the 2 weeks. I know I must look forward that was my longest and fastest walk for over 9 weeks. I know it is getting stronger and hurting less and that is all good.
You lot are doing so well but I will get back to it one day.