Omg! Get this done. I put it off for so long because of stupid voices in my head telling me the shop assistants would laugh at me. They were so helpful and supportive of my running and made me feel completely relaxed in the shop. I found out I’m a neutral runner but being a very large build need lots of cushioning to protect my joints. I ended up with Brooks Ghost 11s and I love them 😍. They have reduced the pain in my arthritic knees by 90% and my groin pain has completely gone.
Gait analysis : Omg! Get this done. I put it off... - Couch to 5K
Gait analysis

Great shoes Twinkle2, of course the people in the shop would not laugh at you. I went, not before time for a gait analysis last Wednesday, after the run on the treadmill the man recommended to me that I buy Brooks Glycerin 16 Running shoes, I have now r a n with them and they indeed are very comfortable. 😊

Good shoes, same as mine. I love them too

Ooh! I’ve got the same pair. Arthritic knees as well, neutral runner with very wide feet. I take a size 5 in normal shoes, my runners are a size 7 😳😂. They are like running on clouds 😊
Happy and pain free running for the both of us 😀

That’s brilliant! Glad the pain has gone/eased. There’ll be no stopping you now 😉. And why would they laugh at you? You’re a runner. 👍🏻🏃🏻♀️
Enjoy your next run.😊
You know me Biddy...always fighting those head gremlins 🤯😉
I know the feeling but actually who cares? I try to think if they’re worrying or talking about me at least they’re leaving someone else alone and that normally banishes the head gremlins. 😉
Failing that I aim to outrun them (the gremlins that is! 🤣). I can’t outrun many people 🤣😊 : )
They look wonderful ! I bet you go faster just looking at the picture...I might try that : )

Very nice and fantastic that you are running in comfort now.

Lovely shoes! 😍

Lush shoes 👟😀

Can’t agree more, the people that did my gait analysis were superb, nice shoes BTW 🤪🤘🤪🤘

Aww bless you. I had barely started running but with bad over pronation knew i needed to sort footwear asap. The young (rather tasty!) chap in the shop was so lovely. Really supportive and understanding about my then abilities and the type/distance of running I wanted to do.
I think they just like people to join the running community no matter what their ambitions.
Glad you've made the leap. Enjoy running on clouds 😁👍

And they look fab! I also was mega embarrassed and said: I’m probably too fat to run. The guy mentioned that someone with my build is a regular and does ultras and desert marathons

You mentioned groin pain which I get sometimes on my right side. Do you know what causes this?
This has just been recommended to me by another poster as I have suffered pain after running today in the side of my calves. Where did you get it done please? I didn't even know this was a thing!
Most ‘proper’ running stores wouldn't dream of selling you running shoes without full (usually free) gait analysis. Google ‘running stores near me’. Or put a post up on here saying which area you are in and ask fir recommendations and others will suggest stores I’m sure 😊

Ooh, smart shoes Twinkle2! I have them too and my feet love them! Enjoy your running!

Now that’s a pair of shoes!
I’ve been putting off gait analysis after buying a pair of Nike running shoes in a sale. They’re okay and nice and bouncy but I bought my normal size which felt okay in the shop but once out wearing them for 30 mins I start to feel my toes getting squashed. Not good but good enough for now and didn’t cost ££££ so I don’t feel too put-out.
Definitely going for gait analysis once I graduate.
Your new shoes look lovely. Enjoy!