Well I never thought I'd ever say that lol! I didn't even know what gait analysis was! I am suffering still with shin splints in my right leg, ooh ow ow! I am supposed to start week 9 tomorrow but honestly am limping around today so much I think I'm going to rest until the pain has gone. Yesterday I went into Darlington to a shop called Up & Running that I had found online, they do gait analysis! Well the trainers I have been wearing were a second hand bargain of off eBay - asics but nothing special - I had figured they would be ok until I knew whether or not I was going to stick to running or not. Apparently they are no better than a 'lesuire shoe' so no support and no wonder I have shin splints! The running treadmill was placed in the SHOP WINDOW! Eeek! Plus I have never run on a treadmill before which was a whole new experience! But I rolled up my trousers and off I went! Apparently I have a lovely straight run technique (emulating smugness) so I tried on a few pairs or trainers - settled on a fantastic azure blus pair of Brooks Ghost 4 that feel like slippers on my feet! According to my two teen daughters they are "minging shoes" but hey I didn't see any running shoes in the shop that were endorsed by Justin Bieber or Jessie J so I have to remain uncool in their world but I cannot wait to try em out!
Had gait analysis! :-): Well I never thought I'd... - Couch to 5K
Had gait analysis! :-)

oo! I must do this! The azure sounds lovely to me and the slipper effect is even more appealing! good on you for braving the shop window! Sounds like you're born to run!

What do teenager know!

Running we are all pleased to know is not a fashion statement. from all the beetroot faces out there!
You will Love your brooks!

Sounds like luxury, running in slippers
I may go buy some minging trainers just to ensure my teenage daughters don't get ideas about invading my me time
Who's sick idea of fun was it to put the treadmill in the window? Surely that would drive away custom (you were very brave, I applaud you)?

I'm inspired! I've been dithering about trying gait analysis because I've never run on a treadmill before either. I am also wearing a flimsy pair of running shoes which are slippy on wet pavements, so here goes!!