I have battled with gremlins on many runs, particularly when it is warm and sometimes do not manage to complete 30+minutes of running. Yesterday I was determined to run continously for at least 30minutes. So I ran early in the morning as the temperature was more to my liking. I also went slow and steady and was pleased that I ended up running for 40 minutes and felt I could perhaps have continued for longer. Checking on Strava afterwards I was running almost 30sec a km slower than other runs previously, but I enjoyed the run. So I think I will judge my runs by duration rather than speed or distance. That was what got me through c25k. I am not a competitive person and though I will run the occasional park run., I am enjoying solo running off road so will stick to what works and motivates me to get outside and active.
Back to basics : I have battled with gremlins on... - Couch to 5K
Back to basics

That is good logic. I believe in duration too. If you follow that approach, as on the C25K course, then speed and distance will take care of themselves.

Running in the heat is awful. Rain is better! Even snow. Although when I’m not running, I love summer!

Sounds like a plan. You do what works for you, as younsaid, it isn't a competition, it's about looking after yourself

Knitrunralk, I am so glad that you posted. I have just got back from a very unsatisfactory run, feeling a bit down about having stopped short of 30 minutes and at 3km. My last couple of runs, I have had the gremlins and I really don't know why. I think, having read your post, that setting off to run at noon instead of straight after school run, in the full heat of the day, has done me in. I was also running too fast at one point and literally had to tell myself to slow down. And then on the home stretch I walked up a small hill that I can easily run up. Ho hum. It just felt like I had nothing left in the tank. Oh well, at least I got out there and ran, the next one will be better and I think your idea of focusing on time, not distance will be helpful for me too, so thank you!
It's good to know I am not the only one still struggling with the gremlins and actually believing I can run for 30 minutes. I find the heat really affects me and when the weather is warm I have to plan my runs carefully. As you said in your post, at least we are getting out there and trying. Good luck and go slow
Will do! Slow and steady for me on Wednesday. And I will head out as soon as I can, rather than the hottest part of the day. Onwards and upwards - good luck for your next one, we can do this!
Every time I leave the house, I don’t believe I can run for 30 minuets - still! Weird, isn’t it?! But I always tell myself that just leaving the house is a success, whatever I end up running - which is an often stated reminder on the forum and one of the many reasons it’s been so helpful to read your posts
I’ll be interested to see if those gremlins ever do go, though. Perhaps when it’s cooler and it (maybe) feels a little easier.....