Since graduating I have been on a bit of a high. I've done a few 30+ minute runs and supported my husband by running W1R1 with him. He runs faster than me, so I had to up my pace a bit! Today we were due to run W1R2 but he has a bit of a funny tummy so had to pull out. I decided that as I was all ready to go out that I would do a week 1 run, except run the "walks" at my usual snail-like pace and run faster for the "runs". Should be easy, right? After all, I can run for 30 minutes, including some hills and not keel over? I couldn't have been more wrong! I felt worse than when I did week one the first time! By the end of my fifth "faster" interval my body stopped of its own accord and made me walk home...and not even at a brisk pace! I think I shall have another go in a week or so, and try to get a bit further. Trying not to feel too dispirited!
And back to earth...: Since graduating I have... - Couch to 5K
And back to earth...

Don't worry 😉 I only managed 5 of the runs the first time I did that. It was a bit of an eye-opener! Love it now though. Went this morning and did all 8, apparently getting faster as I went. Almost prefer it to "Speed" which is only 6 runs (with only a minute in between).
That makes me feel a bit better! I think I will give "Speed" a miss for the time being. I needed every second of the recovery intervals!
It happens - that sudden 'Forgeddaboudit' moment when your body simply commands the legs and lungs to stop short.
There is an 'ultimate; speed for everyone. That Bolt fellow has his, so do I, so do you
I would like to be able to bask in the post that says I did my 5K in less than 30 minutes - but I don't think it will happen soon if at all.
I know, however, I will then start wishing to I could do it in less than 29 minutes, 28 minutes, 27 minutes....
There is a fine line sometimes between interest and addiction
You are doing fine. You are a Runner.

This graduation lark is all a bit of a game eh
Hi tortoisegirl. Don't be disheartened. You just had a bad day. Keep varying your runs - it's good for strengthening your muscles and it's fun! Some days I think I'm going to run really well and I feel worse than I set out. Other days I feel really tired but I get out there and I feel amazing once I get going. Keep up the good work

Never mind - it's excellent training for speeding up. Not every run has to be 30 minutes!

Please don't feel disheartened once you've graduated you can do what ever you wish, jump weeks going back and forth which ever take your fancy, because you've gone through the whole podcast and reached to the end.
I've had that experience too during one of the run when I first did the podcast, my body just stopped without warning or allowing me to find that bit of reserved fuel somewhere so I know how you felt, I was confused with it all. lol
Just play, run and enjoy yourself.