Well I've decided to go back to the principles of the Couch to 5K plan . I don't really intend to follow the app at all but I am going to take more time and not rush things. Start from the ground up. While it still hurts to jog 10 minutes non stop on the treadmill I cannot even contemplate 5k again . Even if 30 minutes worth is just fast walking. Going to concentrate on all round activity . These posts motivate me to at least move my body and thats a start. When i eventually build up the courage to do some road running Ill try to do it in steps like the app at least ut in the gym its almost impossible to follow. Stop starting all the time on a treadmill is a chore so i find it easier to just keep going. Even if thats just walking. I'm talking round in circles but if i don't keep updating here i'll lose track of myself. Ignore me if you like , I just like to keep a diary of my thoughts.
Back to basics : Well I've decided to go back to... - Couch to 5K
Back to basics

Any moving is good regardless of what it is or how slow you go. You have to work within your limitations and listen to your body though, if it hurts then you need to slow it down and take it a bit easier. Keep moving and when the time is right for you to get back to starting running you will know. x

Well done on going back to moving! I know how hard it is. Yesterday I completed my first walk-run after a longer break.
Remember that you are way ahead every couch potato out there. Just keep moving in your own pace. Keep up the good work!

You could just go outdoors and run it. On some parkland trail away from view if that suits you best. No-one is looking at you though, you just think they are
Good luck!

Oh yeah! Just keep that body moving. Move more is the mantra. I used to be a wobbly couch potato, with spare tyres on my spare tyre. Not any more! I nearly died at the thought of wearing lycra tights but was quite surprised at how the magic of spandex sucked everything in so it didn't look nearly as bad as expected. I then hid on the local trails where my husband wouldn't see me. I still run on those trails and love them to death. Running outdoors is complete freedom and we can swop the view whenever we bloomin well like.
So, all power to you! Go very, very slowly. Slowly is fine for this caper. Slow means you get to the end of the session which is what it's all about. Have fun!

I don't do gyms. Might do though if I can persuade my husand to buy me membership for my birthday as I fancy having a proper go at Pilates
When you run regularly, having built up your leg strength etc etc, you can run uphills which gives you a free upper body workout, shreds the mid section and builds even stronger legs, and all for free
Lots of fun to be had further down the line with this running lark. For now just go really slowly. No being gung-ho! In that direction lies ruination
Yep I wanted to push myself and had this belief that if I don't give 110% to start with I wasnt trying hard enough. Except it made me sick and giddy. Now with a bit of intelligence about the whole thing and some structure I still feel like I've worked out but I don't feel like I wanna pass out at the end haha. My legs are quite big, my calves are prominent and I always have some incline on my treadmill runs but I can't argue that the real world is a better gym. I just enjoy the knowledge, support and variation. I dunno, end of the day I've never felt so happy with starting an exercise regime even if it's a bit patchwork right now. As they say, motivation soon turns to habit and it's certainly getting that way.