Morning all
Haven't posted for a while ... graduated in Feb 2016 after a lifetime of never thinking I could run for the bus never mind complete a programme like this ... and all went swimmingly. I ran a 10k 4 months later, a half marathon 8 months into it all and never looked back ... but ... I guess I wanted to post today as I found this forum such an inspiration when I was starting out but I see many posts from you lovely people who for one reason or another struggle with certain weeks, with life getting in the way and all other every day hassles that seem sent to thwart our plans at the least opportune times ... and it happens to us all. I hit a really flat period around November last year when everything seemed to get away from me.
My 3 times a week runs dwindled to 2 or 1 and I promised myself that after Christmas I'd start again. I never really managed to get off the ground due to a combination of work pressure and a brush with depression which was new to me in the severity it came. I don't mean this to sound glib as I know many suffer horrendously with the condition, but for me I just had to ride the storm and hope that I'd be back one day ...
Over the last few weeks I've tried a couple of times with my best run being 25 minutes and yesterday I managed 11 minutes which was a wake up!!! I almost laughed out loud at myself and felt like hanging up my shoes for good but then I remembered the days starting out when things seemed impossible and I am using my C25K journey to try and remuster that spirit. I basically feel like I'm starting all over again but you know what? If that's what it takes then I'm ready again now ... so apart from this post being a little 'hi' again to everyone, I hope it also serves as a tiny motivator for those who are finding this tough ... it's tough because this is hard work but often the hardest work is in the mind ... hang in there, life will get in the way sometimes, but there's always a way back and I think I've found mine again