First run of week 7 and Laura suggests varying my route to break the monotony.... as someone knocked off her stride by sporting the wrong socks one morning, I’m not sure I could cope! I gauge where I am at by the hedge I pass, the bend in the road, the house with the chickens and so on....Anyone else feel the same or are you all running different places?
Week 7! : First run of week 7 and Laura suggests... - Couch to 5K
Week 7!

I completed w8r1 last night and like you I have a set route that I don’t want to change! It’s got hills and is over 3 miles so will still be long enough even next week when it’s 30 minute runs and I really like the route! So I’m sticking with it for now! X

I am someone who likes the familiarity of my usual route.
Occasionally in the better weather I will drive to a different place, but as a rule I stick to the same place, and pretty much the same time.
It's also taken me a long time to risk different socks🧦😊 and I'm still not convinced that was a good thing!

I'm on treadmill treadmill in my basement, my view is very constant 😂 Haven't varied my route once since I started. I have 2 different pairs of socks that I "allow" myself to wear to run : )

You run where you want to.. I did more or less the same run for most of my C25K... extending it with variations an adding bits on as I upped the distance
Well done you...moving into the lovely longer runs... enjoy...

I tend to make it up as I go along. Sometimes no even vary my start point. But for me, that's the wonder of running. Anywhere, anyhow anywhen. After a break I'm getting back into it so information one am looking forward to new routes and probably a few short drives to new locations I've never run around before.

I have a few different routes that I use. I like a bit of variety. But if you like your route and you aren't feeling bored then there's no need to change it!

Same here... A friend suggested I run round a local broad walk the other day, I didn't disguise my fear! Like you I have marker points that I use to figure out my progress, or to tell myself once I get to this point then....
One day I'll run somewhere new, for now I like my route. I know the challenges it holds and enjoy meeting them!

I defo have the one pair lucky socks, wouldnt be without them 😊😂

Oh yes, i am with you on this! I likes what i knows and i knows what i likes!
Do whatever works for you. Especially the socks! 😂