I want to start running but am so nervous and embarrassed as I turn as red as a tomato due to not breathing probably when exercising. So going to give this ago on my running machine hopefully it works and gives me the confidence to start running around my village.
100% am a potato/tomato : I want to start... - Couch to 5K
100% am a potato/tomato

Go for it Leight-93! I also get very red, I don't even need to exercise... I'm doing the c25k on a treadmill and I'm really enjoying how I feel after each run, and looking forward to the next I've!
Thank you I also suffer with mental health issues and obviously exercising is supposed to be really good for helping with that too. So here’s to starting my exercising tomorrow 💪🏻

Run nice and slowly... as slowly as you can... maybe slower than you think you can. Don’t give pace a second thought, just keep having both feet off the ground at the same time in every step, no matter how briefly. You can do this... and that glowing face after the run just lets you know you worked and you’re awesome for doing it. Welcome to the forum and enjoy your journey.
Thank you for your kind words, I’m definitely kinda looking forward to starting it.
That’s step one done then... come and tell us how it went after your run. Don’t stress about this, relax yourself before you run... all you have to do to be running 30 minutes straight in a couple of months is to keep coming to those start lines. Some runs are tough... and we are here to support you... some runs are great, and we are here to celebrate them with you. All runs though will make you stronger and a better runner for the next one.

I always go VERY red during exercise, always have. Red is in this year though !

I run on a treadmill and am a red sweaty mess at the end too! It quickly wears off after a shower. Good luck, you'll be fine.🙂

Yes, definitely go out Leigh-93 🏃♂️
The only people if any who
may laugh at you for being red are only the ignorant folk who cannot run or look after their own health. Before I started C25K hardly anyone even said good morning but now nearly every person does which brings a smile to my face. A bit like it used to be years ago. All the best and go out and get some fresh air and enjoy 😎

Remember this is a 'course' that everyone starts as a non-runner and therefore most of us get hot and red and out of breath! But take your time, trust the plan and you'll become a cool-as-cucumber, runner! All runners have to start somewhere, even the Olympic athletes 😉😉

When I started I hid away on quiet trails so that nobody could see me. I am like a red beacon pouring with sweat pretty much the moment I start. Now I run from home, round town and have happily run through the town centre and even called in the shop on the way home. You might find that like me you no longer care once you've broken out of the comfort zone. I hope you do as it feels good mentally! Any time I have ever seen a sweaty red faced runner I have always been in awe of their achievement to get out there and run. Happy running!
My face is the same you! But ‘google’ tells me this is a good, efficient way of my body cooling itself, I’ll take that! 😉☺️

Well that makes me feel better good ole google 😂

Me too! 😂 I used to see these girls at the gym looking like they were working every bit as hard as I was and looking fresh as a daisy, meanwhile I'm bright red, hair plastered to my head and sweat running down my face! Try to remember why you're doing this. My reasons were for my health - both physical and mental - and for a new challenge and change of routine. So if I get a bit red and sweaty along the way, who cares? Forget everyone else - you're doing this for you and you deserve it! Happy running!
Hey, to coin a well known advertising tag line, “just do it”. You’ll be amazed how much much better you feel once you start knocking off the runs each week, both physically and mentally.
Now the summer is coming you could perhaps try running outside earlier in the morning when there’s no one around and so you don’t have to worry about being self conscious. I run late-ish in the evening for the same reason, but I appreciate that this can raise safety concerns, especially running by yourself late at night.
Plug yourself into your favourite tunes or podcast, you’ll find that you’ll be focussed on what you are doing rather then people looking, and to be honest most people are too focussed on their own worlds to spend any more than a moment looking at you.
The C25K talks about your running pace as being where you can still hold a conversation if running, this does allow you to keep control of your breathing.
I thought that it being summer was probably the best time to start, as it’s lighter in the evenings and I was going to see if a friend would like to give it ago with me, but I’m happy giving it a go on my running machine to start with. And your right people don’t really pay that much attention to you we are all focused on what we are doing.
Running with a friend is good, mutual encouragement to keep going and not skip runs.
Treadmills are ok especially if you can set yours on a slight incline which helps replicate running outdoors. One thing you’ll notice if you start on the treadmill and then move outside is how much harder it seems simply because of the extra effort the legs are doing to deal with the impact of running on a harder less giving surface.
I’ve got a treadmill in my garage, which is also shared by 2 cat trays, what I found off putting was that my running times seemed to coincide with poo time, running in an airless space with frankly unpleasant aromas did nothing to encourage me......

I get red, photos of me running always look like I am gurning. The most important thing is I am getting out there. People really won't take much notice except the occasional good morning etc
The program works give it a go, you'll be amazed at the progress you make from week 1 to 9..

I found counting while breathing in and out made all the difference in my breathing also it also gave me something to focus on so I wasn't paying attention to anything around me.
It also helped to play some music with a nice steady beat that I could breath in time with, I found if I listened to anything with a fast beat I was breathing too quickly along with it.
They're small tips but hopefully they could help. Also tomato face still happened regardless 😂😂 I wear blues and purples so my face doesn't blend into my tshirt 😂

I'll add my confirmation here that I get really red too when I exercise, but less so the fitter I get. Now I just get really red when I'm running, and other exercise just a little pink. And regarding your comment about running helping mental health - I can confirm, it's like night and day, the difference in me mentally since I started running. So much more positive, upbeat, energetic. Don't think about the whole programme ahead of you, just focus on each individual run welcoming you onto your next step of being fitter, physically and mentally. You got this!
I too get very red when exercising, even when I was a super fit teen, running competitively. Even worse, I have a tendency to go blotchy with it, so some parts of my face are bright red and others very pale. It’s a bit embarrassing, but it’s always happened to me.

You are going to love it. I also turn red, bit like an aubergine 🍆 but I don’t care anymore. Just go slow and enjoy!

Ah! I am exactly the same. I go a glowing shade of beetroot red. Doesn't matter how slow I go or how I breathe!
A friend of mine always called me a tomato 😂 I go so red but I think it’s worse as I’ve got blonde hair and really pale skin 😂

Ninga, not king....

Joining in the red faced crew here!
Like Running_Giraffe I count my breathing (sometimes!) to distract from the fact that more than anything I just want to stop. I'm by no means a "runner" but I get out there and flail and stumble my way along, which is better than sitting doing nothing.
Well done for getting started x
I think I’m going to be like you stumbling around I’m super clumsy so might have to invest in some padding 😂 but your right it’s 100% better then sitting around. X
Those storage places do cheap bubble wrap 🤣
One day I saw my 10 year olds class out walking when I was running. I was horrified, he said he was really proud of me and that I looked like I had a great technique, bless him. I think we will always think we look worse than other people do when exercising. We've got to just do it!
Hahah I’ll have to enquire about that!
Oh that’s dead sweet! And let’s be honest kids always tell the truth 😂 maybe we can be each other’s cheerleader I know I definitely need someone to Kick me up the arse and tell me to move 😂
I'm more than happy to be a cheerleader. If nothing else it will distract me from my own running 😁
Ok we have so got this! 🏃🏼♀️
How are you doing?
I’m good thanks done my first run yesterday felt amazing to finally get it done, how are you?
I can't add anything to the advice above. Just very best wishes for a good start, and as much joy as I have in running.
Once you have conquered your fears, and you will, you will discover the deep joy of it all and the camaraderie of the running community.
Nothing is free, so you have to make an investment, but the rewards are huge.
Oh, and the new runner's mantra: 'slower than that!'
Hi Leigh, I hear you and this all sounds so familiar to me!
Sometimes (at least in my case) its solemnly genetics, which means I can either fight it ( but never win) or go along and try to not care or make some changes. I tend to run at sunset and dusk, or when it is completely dark so my face isn't seen as much. It just makes me feel much more comfortable and I am able to give much more, as during the day I might decrease my speed to not get as hot or worn out, which makes it worse.
But as I am slowly becoming a runner, I am less embarrassed and own the fact that I am working out and I get to own the name miss tomato head.
Just want to say I understand how you feel, I really do! And also; it is more common than you think it is, but remember it is simply showing your heart is pumping blood, working and doing what it is supposed to do.
Also, another thing I noticed is that on a long run my face gets less red than during intervals; intervals are more challenging for your heart and body temperature, therefore moving towards graduation is extra motivation!
Long story, but if anything; please, don't let what you look like prevent you from what anything that makes you happy, challenges you or simply what you deserve. You have every right to be out there and work out as people whose skin color doesn't change. Just like any body size and shape, any level of fitness, from beginner to pro and from potato to tomato

Hey there Leigh-93! Go you, like others have said....go very, very slowly......just keep going...it's been over a year since I started running with C25K...it took me 4 months instead of nine weeks to graduate, and I'm running still, and really enjoying it now, went out this morning and covered 3.74km in 30 mins, my personal best! And yeah, I'm still as red as a tomato when I'm done, wear it as a badge of honour, it means you care about you, enough to give it a go. We'll be here to cheer you on!! 👊😊

I get bright red and breathe really loudly but just put my earphones on and keep going. I end up so engrossed in what I'm doing I dont actually take much notice of everyone around me. Do what your personally comfortable with though and enjoy it 😁. Good luck!
Having been out for a run, come in, checked all the 'essential' strava facts and figures, had a drink and had a shower, I was getting my car keys ready to nip out when my boyfriend told me I'd caught the sun. Nope. No sun out....still bright red from running!!!! Thankfully all gone by the time I hit the shops but at the end of the day - who really minds??? No-one!! It is a badge of honour!!!!
Happy running!

I was bright red too when I first started and I still am after a hard run especially in the heat but dyou know what I don't care! (Ok some days I do.... but I do it anyway!) Do what gives you the confidence to try it and remember your beginning something. I genuinely couldn't run 30 seconds without being out of breath and beetroot but now I've ran 10k and a half marathon. One run at a time, one week at a time and just keep going! Enjoy. 😊🏃♀️

Hi Leigh, well done for starting! Nobody looks gorgeous when they first start out, usually because we’re all unfit and often fat. However, you will be amazed at how quickly your body will start to change for the better, as well as improving your mental health. I am successfully weaning myself off antidepressants, aided, almost certainly, by doing this program.
Do write a new post after each run, so we and you can keep track of your progress. It’s really helpful to be able to look back at how far you’ve come.
Good luck, and we’re all rooting for you! 👍