? Tendonitis - could anyone advise me please? - Couch to 5K

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? Tendonitis - could anyone advise me please?

Fen_runner profile image
17 Replies

I've been doing C5K for a good couple of months now and on W7, which I decided to stick at until I could do it comfortably.

Along the way, I've had some aches and pains but they have always settled quickly and I've been able to carry on.

Last week, I started to get some discomfort with my left ankle -mainly on the inside. I rested it for a week, but just did some cycling/walking/cross trainer instead. Then, I did a silly thing yesterday and tried running on it, despite it still not being right. I could only manage about 5 mins and afterwards, it really hurt. I went to gp who was rubbish, so I'm none the wiser, except she told me I hadn't broken it.

From what I can see, its more about the tendons than anything else. I can't afford a private physio, so wondered if anyone could give me some advice? I've been elevating it, but can't take Ibuprofen as it causes me stomach problems. It's not noticeably swollen, so not strapping it up at the mo.

I'm doing the Race for Life at the beginning of July. Was going to go for gait analysis this week, but that's a no-no now.

So - any (rough) idea how long I should lay off the running and any other tips would be fab, thank you, if anyone has had a similar problem

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Fen_runner profile image
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17 Replies
BALLOONLADY profile image

Have you tried getting advise the NHS health line or a pharmacist?

Hope it heals soon 😉

Fen_runner profile image
Fen_runner in reply to BALLOONLADY


Thanks for the reply. Yes, called our local physio line and got phone appt in a couple of weeks, so that's something at least!

MarkyD profile image

Oh dear. Probably achilles tendonosis. That is a real b****r and the Greek hero Achilles certainly represented the weak-spot in our bodies with his famous heel. It is outrageously common in new runners (as it was in conscripted soldiers in the classical era), and is often caused by over-use, combined with tight muscles (caused by the modern curse of sitting too long with poor posture). I rested from running for one year, hoping that it would go away. It did not, and so I went to a physio, who prescribed a series of stretches. That got me back running within 3 months.

Ideally you will identify the cause for the tendonosis but it will be posture-related. Try and stand as much as possible (if you work at a desk see if you can get a standing desk). Find stretches for your soleus, hamstrings, flexion exercises for your ankles, and stretch for 20 minutes 3 times per day. Be rigorous: the achilles is not going to get better on its own. All these stretches are not anything to do with the achilles, but are trying to prevent a recurrence of the injury by stretching out the muscles and relieving the tension on the achilles.

As the for achilles, well a regular, twice daily set of eccentric heel drops will help. See the description in this (heavy) medical report. My triathlete colleague sorted out achilles tendonosis with these eccentric heel drops whilst wearing a rucksac with 25kg bag of dishwasher salt. We probably do not need to go that far, but remember that your achilles is only going to improve if you do these exercises regularly.


In terms of preparation for Race for Life, take up cycling. This will be good stretching for the legs, build up your muscles, and if you want to continue running, then go to a walk-run strategy of 1 minute walking, 1 minute running. In fact if you have a football field near by, then run the width, walk to the centre line, run to the corner flag, walk the width, run to the centre line etc doing 3 circuits of the pitch alternating walking and running. Don't try running further than this until mid June.

Fen_runner profile image
Fen_runner in reply to MarkyD

Hi Marky,

Thanks so much for the reply and the history lesson!

Yes, I think without a doubt it's down to gait as my right side doesn't work as well as it should and I think that's put the pressure on the right one, hence it being on that side.

As it goes, I did drag my old bike out a couple of weeks ago, so will carry on with that in the meantime. I'm really hoping that I will be back to running soon, but the advice for 3 or 4 weeks and then trying again will work, along with your suggestion to go back to intervals. I'll stay off the running until then.

It's a real blow as I had been doing so well with C5K, but no point in doing more damage and then being out for longer.

I've contacted my local NHS physio line and have a phone appt with them in a couple of weeks, so hopefully, they can diagnose me and give me some exercises to get back on my feet (literally!).

So, thanks so much for the nuggets of wisdom :)

Kevtrev profile image

Ok as I see a physio not for legs but one day I pulled both of my calf’s and I couldn’t walk right so she said keep stretching them through the day because if you just rest it the joints will go tighter and will be worse but to elevate and hot and cold on them maybe but a muscle relaxer on them ie traxam or volterol or deep heat hope this helps and for stretching have a look on YouTube for physio stretching 😉🏃🏼‍♂️

Fen_runner profile image

Thanks Kevtrev for the useful tips.

I did find some stretches, so been doing them on and off. I've been gardening etc during the day and as you say, its much better for moving around a bit. Then, been doing the elevation bit in the evenings watching tv. Will look into the creams etc too.

Hopefully, once it's improved a bit, then I can go for my gait analysis and try to prevent injury a bit going forwards.

Very frustrating!!

Kevtrev profile image
Kevtrev in reply to Fen_runner

I hope it all resolved for you soon take care of yourself and A tip before running stretch before and after and make sure you’re hydrated before you’re run so you don’t get a stitch happy running 😉🏃🏼‍♂️

Fen_runner profile image
Fen_runner in reply to Kevtrev

Thanks for the tips, hopefully it will all sort itself out soon :)

Kevtrev profile image
Kevtrev in reply to Fen_runner

Yes let’s hope it does sort it’s self out 😉

AnnaHod profile image

Hi Fen_runner,

I had the same problem last Wednesday, W9R2.

My ankle started aching the last 10 minutes of the run. I did finish it but it was quite sore. I thought by resting it for 2 days was enough however on Saturday I decided to go out and do my final run. Had to stop after 5 minutes. That’s when I realised I had a problem. I saw a sport therapist on Sunday, cost me £20, he worked my calf and ankle for 30 minutes and it did feel a bit better however i searched online and found some YouTube videos on how to massage (pitching technique)the Achilles and also how to stretch and that’s what I’ve been doing 4 - 5 times a day since.

Today I decided my ankle felt ok, not aching at all. Did lots of stretches and decided to try my final run and I did it.

Afterwards I did more Achilles stretches and applied some ice and that seems to have worked.

Hope this helps xx

Fen_runner profile image
Fen_runner in reply to AnnaHod

Hi Anna,

Thanks, yes it does. I looked up my local sports physios and it ranges from £45-£65 (eek!), but am wondering whether to just bite the bullet and go and see him, sounds as if yours was fab and cheaper which is always a bonus!

I've continued to go to the gym, but walking (doing some uphill stuff), rather than running and a bit on the cross trainer and will go out on my bike too, as that's low impact. Mine is still bothering me, so don't want to do what I did last time and then put myself back for even longer :(

I will look up the stretches though, as that should help loosen things up a bit.

The tips on here are great, I've found it so useful, so thank you again :)

AnnaHod profile image
AnnaHodGraduate in reply to Fen_runner

Wow! That is expensive. Honestly, have a look online. There’s loads of self help videos that will help you and if you feel that it’s not improving then it might be an idea to bite the bullet and go see the sports therapist.

You’re doing the right thing by doing other activities too.

Let’s ya know how you get on and good luck! Xx

Fen_runner profile image

Yeah, will definitely have a look for the stretches etc. I just need to make sure I don't make the same stupid mistake and try running on it until it feels totally better.

One of my reasons for doing C5K is that I will be doing our local RFL at the beginning of July. I wasn't well enough to do it last year, so am determined to do it this year. Might be walking it, but hope I can at least run the last bit :)

JaoJao profile image

I had Achilles tendinitis many months ago way before I started C25K. You need to stay off whatever it is that is actually making it worse and spend a few days maybe a week doing exercises for Achilles tendonitis you can get this from a physio. I also found a rubbing ibuprofens gel into the ankles also helped and you can buy these gels from the chemist. Rest them as much as possible. Although it was quite painful I didn’t realise when the pain went away so it will recover.

Just take a few days at a time.

Fen_runner profile image
Fen_runner in reply to JaoJao

Hi JaoJao,

Yep, was really stupid of me to try to run on it while it was still hurting -won't be doing that again!

I've got to ask a pharmacist about the Ibuprofen as I can't take it orally, so not sure of the gel will cause the same issues, but will check.

Thanks for the tips, I'm wondering whether a sports physio might be the way to go and get some professional advice.

From what you've said, you've managed to get back to it, so that's good news :) and gives me hope too

JaoJao profile image
JaoJao in reply to Fen_runner

If you go on the NHS website, I think there is a page for exercises for Achilles tendinitis physio. When I went to the doctor she printed it off the website and I though oh I could have done that at home!

The good news is the doc did not give me a special prescription medicine or cart me off to A&E, it can be managed by you and it will be alright!

If you have trouble locating the exercises online please shout.

Fen_runner profile image
Fen_runner in reply to JaoJao

Brilliant thank you :)

I'll have a look for them and reassuring that it will sort itself out in time and no need for carting off to A&E!!

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