I have found week 7 so hard. Week 7 seems to be the week that's impacted on my asthma. I have really struggled this week so it has taken the enjoyment out of it for me and I've found myself clock watching and praying for it to end. Is anyone else struggling with the longer runs? Do they get easier?
Week 7 complete: I have found week 7 so hard... - Couch to 5K
Week 7 complete

Someone posted this when I was in w6
This slow running technique sorted my breathing. I don’t have asthma but can be wheezy, and it had been the hardest part of learning to run. This changed everything for me and I still run this way. I’ve been adding duration to a run and can now run for an hour (🐌). 6 months ago I thought that first run would kill me! So it does get easier, and it gets really really enjoyable when you find the right pace for you x
That's very useful. Thank you for sharing that. Some very good points. I think I'm running too fast. I have a goal in my head that I want to be able to do 5k in 30 minutes, but I need to master the endurance first xx
Just keep going I get very bored at times when on treadmill at gym but its worth it in the end. You can do it. X
I'm currently doing all my running on a treadmill. I think I might run along the beach front at the weekend
Which beach? X
I know exactly how you feel, just done w7r2 and really struggling with my breathing and asthma, so joined here to get some inspiration/ help to try and figure it out. I was really beating myself up tonight that I couldn’t do it, but having looked at a lot of the posts a lot of people seem to struggle at this stage, so I’m going to try and slow my pace down and be kinder to myself if I need to walk a bit.

Hello, I totally agree with you! I finished week 7 last week but I do have to say, it did get easier! I found what worked for me is making sure I wasn’t going too fast, as it was tempting initially but just to keep it nice and steady and focused on my breathing. It was definitely a challenge though so I totally get you! You’ve got this!!

Slow and steady...I ( a real pain with it ), am always, always advocating it...it works...
All you need to do is slow down...just let your legs find their own happy pace. You run in the way that feels right for you.
If you are struggling, then just slow down more
Your run should feel comfortable... relax and try to land lightly...I call it kissing the ground with your feet...and you will know in these lovely longer runs when that happens.
I started week 7 yesterday and found it really hard going, so you are not alone in finding the longer runs a challenge. Keep going! We can do it! 🏃♀️ 😊

Loopy hi. My asthma is triggered by damp and or cold and or pollen. Different plants release pollen at different tImes and in different conditions, making it almost impossible to tell what is the factor/s. However, inhalers help loads. Will it get easier? Probably not but the sense of satisfaction remains. Don’t give up, be gentle on yourself. Don’t be put off by the loads on here who give times and distances, just do it, slowly, for yourself, and try not to focus on the pain. Running is mental, someone said, and I think that’s so true whenyoureach pain barriers, which you very often will.

I have asthma too, I still sometimes feel a little tight chested the first 10mins or so and then after that it eases. I try to breathe from my belly (when you can feel your belly expand with your breath) rather than from my chest, not sure if I’ve explained that very well I’m currently doing 6k but I’ve given up on trying to do it within a certain time, 5k still takes me about 40mins and I just run at my own pace now. Try not to think about times just go at your own pace and enjoy it, good luck 😊👍

Hi there, I’ve just finished week 8. My asthma affects my running as well, especially in the mid weeks, but I have found in the last week or so as I’ve got into a rhythm and stronger it has settled. I make sure I take two puffs of my inhaler 15 mins before running which really helps, also slowing my pace down as well. It’s frustrating isn’t it, I have lots of hills to contend with where I live too which really doesn’t help. Keep going and don’t be disheartened x

Hi Loopyloo
I’ve just done w7r2 and I found it really hard too and I don’t have asthma, so goodness knows how you do it! I got a stitch at 10 minutes so that didn’t help. I know what you mean about losing the enjoyment but I almost gave up today when the stitch started but I kept going to the end. Did I enjoy it? No, not at all, but I have a huge sense of achievement now.
I hope it gets easier for both of us, but I take my hat off to you! X