What can I say I have been awake for 35 hours without sleep, 27 of them looking after my mum of which 17 were in hospital. I have come home and gone and run my best Week 8 Run being number 3 thereby completing week 8. The body appears so resilient brushed away the cobwebs with only my music and Storm Freya for company. Just three to go.
Three to GDay: What can I say I have been awake... - Couch to 5K
Three to GDay

Sorry about your mom Papillon17, I just hope that she gets better soon.
Congratulations to you for running in the company of Freya and your 🎶 music, run 3 of week 8, well done, onwards and upwards to week 9 and especially run 3, your graduation run.
Had to run to stay on schedule for 58 Birthday next weekend and to clear the cobwebs away. thank you for nice words but I am afraid it’s terminal and is only a matter of time. Trying to get care in place so she can be comfortable to the end. Good luck with your runs.

Hope your Mum is doing well.
Not the best prep for a run, but oh my god you nailed it! Superb job. Time for your victory lap... enjoy every moment of week 9.
No sorry she is terminally ill. So making her as comfortable as can be.

What a way to finish W8! I can imagine the relief you might have felt when you were done. Freya probably did a number to help you along. I hope things go smoothly for you and your family in regard to your mum. Also congratulations for the upcoming birthday celebrations! Good luck for Week 9! Xx

Very well done... the sadness of Mum's illness, has made this hard... but.. you ran, you let your body take you and maybe for a brief time you were uplifted.
The runs can do that...stay strong, and gently head towards that podium.. we will be waiting for the birthday boy xx

Well done for getting your run completed. Be proud of yourself. A difficult time for you and I hope your running will help you at this time. Look after yourself and aim for that Graduation 🎓 🏃♂️ run.

So sorry to hear about your Mum. My Dad had a severe downward turn back in January, fortunately the wheels of bureaucracy moved quickly for once and we were able to get him home and comfortable which made the inevitable much easier to deal with. Sending hugs x

Hope all ok with your Mum, and good for you still getting out there - finish line is in sight xx

Hope your mum is as comfortable as possible and surrounded by loved ones. Your running may help to cope just a little with all the stress and difficulty. Thinking of you
Nice running, sorry about your poor mum though.
Congratulations on your run! I’m just going into week 8, hoping I do as well as you.
I hope everything is peaceful for your mum. All the best to you both.
You’re a champion! Sorry about your mum, wishing you strength to get through it all.💐💐💐💐💐💐

So sorry to hear about your mum, and well done you for keeping up with the running. You will rock week 9.

Hope you get the right care in place for your mum - and for you, too. I just graduated just over a week ago - just after my Dad died. My Mum died last July. Running has truly saved my sanity. Hope it works for you too.

So sorry to hear about your Mum. It’s not easy is it ? Well done you for keeping going . Good luck for the coming weeks. I’ve just done run 1 of week 9 but sounds like you may overtake me as life means a few days I can’t run this week. Your Birthday will probably be a bit bittersweet but try to enjoy both that and hopefully, graduation as well. X
Wat to go on your running but, you better go get some sleep before something happens to you. I am sorry about your mum.
Wow, well done you! Puts me to shame. Lilianne.