Nearly didn't go out this morning, as I felt so tired and I had a massage yesterday and my back feels bruised today. However I thought about my schedule and checked the weather forecast for tomorrow and decided I better just go for it!
Very chuffed to have managed the whole 30 minutes, and even gritted my teeth, put my head down and speeded up for the last minute!!!
I went further than usual (slightly, only about 3-400 metres, but that brings me to the magic 5k mark overall). I felt like I started slightly fast but then slowed and felt like I was at my usual pace. The benefit of usually going the same route is that I know exactly where I should be 5 mins in do I know if my pace is right. So I was pretty surprised to reach the road end and have to turn and start heading back without being told it was time to turn!
I reckon that was 5k in 40mins - plus the 28 second introduction!
2 more runs to graduation!!!!
The photo is from my 5 min cool down walk.