Good morning fellow intrepid joggers
2 runs in quick succession... this is good!
The past couple of runs I seem to have swapped time/distance for hills. So today I was determined. I ran for 30 minutes, not on the flat, because my usual knee-wrecking canal route still largely has an extra canal down the towpath! I did wonder if because I'm a Christian, I'd be able to do the Jesus thing and walk/run on water, and also briefly considered if I could get gait analysis for a pair of wellies, but I settled for the local roads, but extended my route slightly, and ran until a little voice in my ear said I'd been going for 30 minutes. It wasn't a fast paced run, I managed a little over 4k in that time, but that was still a PB, particularly if you count the fact that it was hilly.
According to the app I use, Pacer, I gained 40m in elevation. It felt like more, but that may just have been the difference between the low and high points, not sure. After the warm up, the run consisted of about 15 minutes of gentle to medium hill climb, and then basically the reverse. The second half is quite nice actually, because it's not along a main road, and it's downhill. There is a small uphill section to finish off, just to get to 30 minutes, but it was fine.
I'm quite pleased actually, I got to the end feeling comfortable, still able to hold a conversation (just), and feeling rather pleased with myself.
Then I started to dwell on the journey. No, not that one, the whole Couch to 5k Journey. Back in August when I started, I couldn't run for a minute without it feeling like the world was about to end. Today? I could have gone on!
So if you are new to this running lark, don't think, how the heck am I going to run for 30 minutes, don't think further than your next run. You will be pleasantly surprised!
Happy running, folks